Subject: For educators working on Reconciliation

Learning about Past Traumas

Dear subscribers,

As we continue to navigate the complexities of our world, it is important that we take the time to reflect on the ways in which we can work towards healing and reconciliation.

One important aspect of this process is the acknowledgement and understanding of past traumas.

Truth and reconciliation is a process by which individuals and communities can come to terms with a past that has caused harm and suffering.

It is a way for us to acknowledge the injustices that have been inflicted, and to begin the process of healing and moving forward.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) established in Canada in 2008 to address the legacy of the Indian Residential Schools. For over a century, Indigenous children were taken from their families and placed in residential schools where they were subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

The TRC was established to give survivors a platform to share their stories and to bring about a greater understanding of the impact that these institutions had on Indigenous communities.

Truth and reconciliation is not just about acknowledging the past, but also about taking action to create a better future.

The TRC's recommendations included calls for the restoration of Indigenous languages and cultures, the implementation of a national action plan to address the ongoing legacy of residential schools, and the establishment of a new relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian government.

While truth and reconciliation can be difficult and uncomfortable, it is an important step in the healing process.

It allows us to understand the past in order to move forward and create a more just and equitable society.

As we continue to work towards healing and reconciliation, it is important that we remain committed to this process and continue to listen and learn from the perspectives of those who have been affected by trauma.


Patrick Mitsuing

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