Subject: For Educators that want to support Indigenous youth...

Jordan's Principal Can Help Indigenous Youth...Here's How.

Dear subscriber,

As we navigate the complexities of our world, it is important that we take the time to reflect on the ways in which we can work towards fairness and equity. One important concept in this regard is Jordan's Principal.

Jordan's Principal is a principle of distribution, named after the late Indigenous leader and advocate, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, and first proposed by her in 2007, which states that when public services are provided to Indigenous children and families, they must be provided on the same level of funding and access as services provided to non-Indigenous children and families.

This principle is important because it highlights the need for equitable distribution of resources and services in order to ensure that Indigenous children and families have the same opportunities as non-Indigenous children and families.

This includes access to education, healthcare, and social services.

The principle of Jordan's Principal is particularly relevant in the context of Indigenous children, as Indigenous children in Canada are disproportionately represented in child welfare, and experience significant disparities in educational and health outcomes compared to non-Indigenous children.

Adopting Jordan's Principal would require a significant shift in how resources and services are allocated, and would require governments and organizations to prioritize the needs of Indigenous children and families.

This principle is not just about fairness, but also about addressing the ongoing legacy of colonization and the systemic discrimination that Indigenous peoples have faced.

As we continue to work towards fairness and equity, it is important that we remain committed to this principle and continue to listen and learn from the perspectives of Indigenous peoples.


Patrick Mitsuing

Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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