Subject: Educators Should Know This About Who Got Free-Land in Canada

Understanding the Distribution of Free Farm Land to Newcomers in 1800s Canada

Dear Educators,

As we delve into Canadian history, it is important to understand the distribution of free farm land to newcomers in the 1800s. The Dominion Lands Act of 1872, and the subsequent amendments, was a federal policy that allowed settlers to claim and settle on up to 160 acres of land in the western regions of Canada, at a cost of $10.

This policy was implemented as a means of encouraging settlement and economic development in the western regions of the country.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when understanding the distribution of free farm land to newcomers in 1800s Canada:

  1. The Dominion Lands Act: The Dominion Lands Act of 1872 was the main legislation that governed the distribution of free farm land to newcomers in Canada. It allowed settlers to claim and settle on up to 160 acres of land in the western regions of Canada, at a cost of $10. This policy was intended to encourage settlement and economic development in the western regions of the country.

  2. Who Qualified: The policy was open to any male or female over the age of 18, and also to any individual who was the head of a family. This includes settlers from other countries, and also people from the east of Canada who were looking for new land.

  3. The settlement process: The settlement process required the settler to live on the land for at least three years, make improvements to the land, and pay a small fee of $10. After these conditions were met, the land would be granted to the settler as a free patent.

  4. Impact on Indigenous people: The distribution of free farm land to newcomers had a significant impact on Indigenous peoples, whose traditional lands and ways of life were often displaced by the influx of settlers. In many cases, Indigenous peoples were not consulted or compensated for the loss of their land.

  5. Impact on the environment: The distribution of free farm land also had a significant impact on the environment, as the land was cleared for farming and grazing, leading to the destruction of natural habitats and the decline of wildlife populations.

It's important to note that this policy had a big impact on Indigenous people, and their traditional ways of life were often displaced by the influx of settlers.

It also had a big impact on the environment, as the land was cleared for farming and grazing, leading to the destruction of natural habitats and the decline of wildlife populations.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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