Subject: Are We Related?

Indigenous Kinship Teachings

Dear Readers,

Today, I want to talk about Indigenous kinship teachings, which are deeply ingrained in the traditions and beliefs of Indigenous peoples across Canada and around the world.

In Indigenous cultures, kinship is not limited to blood relations. It is a complex network of relationships that encompasses not only family members but also the natural world and the spiritual realm.

Indigenous kinship teachings recognize that all beings are interconnected and that each individual has a responsibility to care for and protect those around them.

Indigenous kinship teachings emphasize the importance of respect, reciprocity, and responsibility. Respect for all living beings is central to Indigenous culture, and this includes the natural world, animals, and other people.

Reciprocity is the idea that we must give back to the world in equal measure to what we take from it. Responsibility refers to the obligation that we have to care for and protect our communities, both human and non-human.

Indigenous kinship teachings also recognize the importance of intergenerational relationships. Elders are highly respected in Indigenous communities, as they are the keepers of traditional knowledge and wisdom.

They play a crucial role in passing down this knowledge to the younger generations, ensuring that Indigenous culture and values are preserved and passed on.

In today's world, Indigenous kinship teachings are more important than ever. As we face unprecedented challenges such as climate change and social injustice, it is vital that we adopt a holistic and interconnected approach to solving these problems.

By embracing Indigenous kinship teachings, we can learn to live in harmony with the natural world and with each other.

As we continue to strive towards greater understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures and traditions, it is important to take the time to learn about the principles and values that underpin these teachings.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I hope it has shed some light on the importance of Indigenous kinship teachings.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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