Subject: Apologies....

The Apology Heard Around the World

Dear Reader

On June 11, 2008, then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered an official apology to Indigenous peoples in Canada for the harm caused by the residential school system.

The apology was a significant moment in the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, as it marked the first time that a sitting Prime Minister had publicly acknowledged the devastating impacts of the residential school system on Indigenous families and communities.

The residential school system was a government-run system of boarding schools that operated from the late 1800s to the mid-1900s. The purpose of the residential schools was to assimilate Indigenous children into Canadian culture and to separate them from their families and communities.

The schools were often located far from home and were characterized by harsh living conditions, abuse, and neglect.

The apology delivered by Stephen Harper acknowledged the harm caused by the residential school system, and expressed regret and sorrow for the actions of the government and of Canadian society as a whole.

The apology was widely seen as a step towards reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, and as a recognition of the ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous peoples as a result of the residential school system and other assimilationist policies.

Today, the apology delivered by Stephen Harper continues to have an impact on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian government.

While there is still much work to be done to address the ongoing impacts of the residential school system and to build a more equitable and respectful relationship between Indigenous peoples and the rest of Canadian society, the apology remains an important moment in the ongoing journey towards reconciliation.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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