Subject: D2000 Safety | Forklift Safety Newsletter Summer 2019

Slow, Fast, Too Fast?
How fast should a forklift travel? The question is asked often, but we know there is no single answer. There is, however, a process we can use to determine the answer. Begin by asking these questions.

What are the load characteristics?

The load’s coefficient of friction, dimensions, weight, shape, and how it is packaged all need to be assessed. In other words, how stable is the load? Is it prone to slide off your forks? Are you close to capacity? Does the load require the operator to drive in reverse?

What surfaces are you driving on?

Asphalt, concrete, gravel, indoors, or outdoors may all require different speeds. Is the surface smooth, full of potholes, covered with debris or objects? For outdoor operating surfaces different weather conditions (ice, snow, hail, rain) can make the surface slippery and these conditions can change frequently.

What are the characteristics of the specific forklift?

Over time an individual forklift can develop tendencies. Controls may “feel different”, the steering could be looser, the brakes more sensitive, or the suspension may be softer. The truck still passes inspection but these tendencies may require slower speeds.

Are there specific site hazards?

Instructor Spotlight | Bruce Hulberg
How long have you been working in the safety industry?
Since 1990.

What do you see is the biggest challenge safety managers face in implementing Forklift Safety Compliance programs?
Implementing change. As an example, one facility I transferred to was experiencing a high number of forklift incidents each year. Therefore we had to make a number of changes including stopping at every intersection. The purpose for requiring the stopping was pedestrian safety and reducing forklift operating speed. Since this was a production facility the push back was that the forklift operators wouldn't be able to stop and still keep up with the production flow. In the end the forklift operators were still able to keep up with production.

What is an example of a near miss situation where training opportunities were identified and corrective action was taken?
A simple example of this was when a forklift operator picked up a load from a height and backed up while turning and lowering the load. While this maneuver may not cause a tip over with a lighter load the maneuver creates a pattern of behavior that may cause a tip over when handling a heavier load. It is imperative for forklift operators to understand what causes tip overs, the principles involved, and how to operate the forklift safely. In this case, the operator must lower the load before making the turn.

What is the difference between D2000 Safety's Forklift Train the Trainer course compared to other available programs?
While other training programs focus on the basic training requirements our program goes beyond that by weaving in a discussion of identifying unsafe work practices and the importance of understanding load characteristics.

2020 Open Enrollment Dates Have Been Set!

View our current open enrollment schedule for more details.

2018 Classes by
Classes by Region

Southern Oregon Region - Medford, OR.
Confined Space Train the Trainer: July 9-10, 2019
Fall Protection Competent Person: April 14-15, 2020
Forklift Train the Trainer: June 9, 2020
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Nov 17-18, 2020

Northeast Oregon - Boardman-Kennewick
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Sept 17-18, 2019
Excavation Safety Competent Person: Oct 9-10, 2019
Confined Space Rescue Team Leader: Nov 4-8, 2019
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Jan 28-29, 2020
Excavation Safety Competent Person: Mar 17-18, 2020
Forklift Train the Trainer: April 28, 2020
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Sept 22-23, 2020
Excavation Safety Competent Person: Oct 13-14, 2020
Fall Protection Competent Person: Oct 27-28, 2020
Confined Space Rescue Team Leader: Nov 2-6, 2020

Willamette Valley - Eugene, OR.
Fall Protection Competent Person: July 16-17, 2019
Fall Protection Competent Person: Oct 29-30, 2019
Forklift Train the Trainer: Nov 12, 2019
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Nov 19-20, 2019
Forklift Train the Trainer: Feb 18, 2020
Fall Protection Competent Person: June 9-10, 2020
Confined Space Train the Trainer: July 14-15, 2020
Forklift Train the Trainer: Nov 10, 2020

Portland Region - Wilsonville, OR.
Fall Protection Competent Person: Aug 6-7, 2019
Confined Space Train the Trainer: Oct 22-23, 2019
Forklift Train the Trainer: Dec 10, 2019
Confined Space Train the Trainer: May 19-20, 2020
Fall Protection Competent Person: Aug 4-5, 2020
Forklift Train the Trainer: Dec 8, 2020

Arizona Region - Tucson, AZ.
Confined Space Rescue Team Leader: Feb 17-21, 2020

Want to Schedule a Class 
at Your Location?

Open Enrollment 
Eugene, OR July 16-17, 2019
Wilsonville, OR Aug 6-7, 2019
Eugene, OR Oct 29-30, 2019
Medford, OR April 14-15, 2020
Eugene, OR June 9-10, 2020
Wilsonville, OR August 4-5, 2020
Boardman, OR Oct 27-28, 2020

Kennewick, WA Nov 4-8, 2019
Tucson, AZ Feb 17-21, 2020
Kennewick, WA Nov 2-6, 2020 

Medford, OR July 9-10, 2019
Twin Falls, ID July 9-10, 2020
Boardman, OR Sept 17-18, 2019
Wilsonville, OR Oct 22-23, 2019
Eugene, OR Nov 19-20, 2019
Boardman, OR Jan 28-29, 2020
Wilsonville, OR May 19-20, 2020
Eugene, OR July 14-15, 2020
Boardman, OR Sept 22-23, 2020
Medford, OR Nov 17-18, 2020

Kennewick, WA. October 8-9, 2019
Kennewick, WA March 17-18, 2020
Kennewick, WA Oct 13-14, 2020

Eugene, OR Nov 12, 2019
Wilsonville, OR Dec 10, 2020
Eugene, OR Feb 18, 2020
Boardman, OR April 28, 2020
Medford, OR June 9, 2020
Eugene, OR Nov 10, 2020
Wilsonville, OR Dec 8, 2020
D2000 Safety: Course Catalog

Safety Training

Confined Space 
Fall Protection

Rescue Training
Confined Space Rescue
Tower Rescue
Surface Mine Rescue
Excavation/Trench Rescue

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