Subject: Backyard Bird Language Teachers

Cats are some of the world's best bird language teachers. 

Did you know that? 

If you live in a place where there are cats or people who keep cats as pets (Which is pretty much everywhere!)

One thing I can guarantee is that during at least three seasons of the year there are going to be songbirds alarming at those cats, and it’s going to be a fairly common occurrence.

You can use this to your advantage as a tool for training your awareness :-)

All over the world, cats with names like Fluffy and Puffy are giving you one of the BEST opportunities to get your ears tuned with how bird language really works.

Some of my earliest success with bird language came from following bird alarms directed at house cats because they’re so common and much less elusive than fully wild animals.

And here’s the really exciting part.

Once you get tuned with the cat alarms… now you have a point of comparison for future experiences with other types of alarms for different and more rare animals.

You might start to discover there’s a lot more happening in your backyard bushes than meets the eye ;)

That's the topic for today with Stefanie Dimitrovas.

The Courtyard Cat (Bird Language Teacher)

Stefanie is located in Montreal Canada where she runs programs for adults and kids as part of a nature school called Coyote Programs.

She shared a great story about how her own house cat is helping her discover bird language principles in action.

It was a really fascinating look at the different bird alarm dynamics that happen when a hunting cat moves through the city landscape.

We spent most of our conversation unpacking this story and talking about different ways to apply bird language and awareness towards understanding nature on a very deep level.

This episode is filled with some amazing bird language and nature awareness lessons you can apply in your own forests, fields, and backyards.

Click here to listen - The Courtyard Cat


Brian Mertins

PS. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 other ways I can help you weave practical outdoor skills into your life:

1. Be A Guest On The Nature Wisdom Podcast
My favorite thing to do is help people go deep with their nature skills like bird language, tracking, observation & awareness - Click Here

2. Join Our Nature Skills Mentoring Community
I'm putting together a new mentoring group starting in the next couple weeks… If you’d like to work with me on growing your skills as a naturalist, tracker and wilderness mentor… just reply to this message and put “Mentoring” in the subject line.

3. Join My Bird Language Masterclass and be a Case Study
I’m looking to create some case studies using bird alarms to track the hidden movements of wild animals. If you’d like to work with me on decoding the language of birds in your own backyard... just reply to this message and put “Bird Language” in the subject line.

4. Awaken Your Child’s Natural Genius
One of my biggest passions is designing custom mentoring plans for nurturing the talents of young people through brain games disguised as fun outdoor play-time. If you mentor kids as a parent or educator and you’d like to work with me on some ideas for the young people in your life… just reply to this email and put “Genius” in the subject line.

Also... Check these out :-)

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