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KEFI-25 things I do daily to be Happy
Click here to tame your mind

( if you cant see the image of the book above, then click on the link above to see the same)

The aim of this book is to free the reader from the vagaries of the restless mind.

The aim is to free the reader from any mental blockages which a person may experience due to the monkey nature of the mind.

Millions of people all over the world suffer from different kinds of mental blockages including creative block and writer’s block. This book teaches the reader to control and manage their mind so that they can use this wonderful gift of God to its fullest potential.  

This book introduces the reader to a very potent technique to tame and train the mind to work to its full potential without acting in its usual chaotic, doubtful, and judgmental way.

This book also lists the important characteristics of the mind, knowing which a person can use that knowledge to their advantage to influence their minds to work for them instead of against them.

Become the master of your mind. Never suffer from any mental block in your life and increase your productivity to its highest level and succeed beyond imagination.


This book will help the reader in the following ways:

 It will give the reader the ability to imagine, think and ideate without difficulty or blockages.

 It will help the reader to use their minds to the fullest Potential

 It will give the capability to control and manage the chattering and restless mindü It will teach to connect to that supreme intelligence, that source within us, which is all knowing, all powerful and all pervading.

 It will assist the reader to succeed in all their endeavors.




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