Subject: Great News! -Vishal Guptas Latest Book on Inner Transformation-Ataraxia

Great news for changing your Life
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21 Places to Visit for a Complete Life Transformation
Click to get Inner Transformation

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Are you craving for a inner transformation?

Do you want to be a better human being?

Do you want answers for the challenges of life?

Do you feel a continuous sense of emptiness or void in your life?

Do you find yourself asking existential questions?

Do you want to understand the true meaning of life?

Do you want to understand about the nature and importance of suffering?

Do you crave to know why you were born and the purpose of life?


If you have any of the above questions but are lost on how to go about getting the wisdom or answers to the above questions, then this book is perfect for you.

The author believes that rather than giving ready-made answers to the above questions, it is better to give the places where the answers to these important questions can be found. It is better that the reader finds his own answer through his own personal experience than to be spoon fed an answer which may be someone else’s experience and understanding and may not appeal to the sensibilities and understanding of the reader.

This book is for millions of people who have started craving for a deeper understanding of their human life form but have got no answers to the same yet.


How is this book different from other books?

There are four things that make this book unique.

1)     At the time of publishing this book, and as per the research of the author, there is no other book in the world having similar content. So therefore, the content is fresh and original.


2)     There is a surprise element to the 21 places. The title does not prepare the reader for the 21 places. The author believes that mostly people don’t recognize the importance of the 21 places that he has mentioned and therefore people find these places surprising so as to be able to cause a transformation in a person.



3)     The author has not only listed the 21 places but also given his learnings and his wisdom which he gained from visiting these places. The author has shared 3 learnings from each place to give an idea about the kind of learnings a person can have at each place. However, as mentioned earlier, the author prefers that the readers get their own set of unique experiences.


This book will educate the reader on what places to visit to get a first-hand experience of the various aspects of life leading to a deep understanding to existential and spiritual questions.

4)     The book is peppered with STYLISED DRAWINGS, infused with various Art

Styles and Design principles such as Graphic design balance, dominance, child art, Meaningful Art, Zentangle and Wordplay. Each Picture NARRATES A STORY if you peruse CAREFULLY.




So, what are you waiting for?

Grab a copy of this book and give your self an opportunity for a complete life transformation!!


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