Subject: Pipeline Update; Bird Seed Sale; Clean-up Day

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Dominion Pipeline Update

The Augusta County Alliance is dedicated to preserving our rural landscape and economy, our clean air and water, and our abundant wildlife habitat and historic resources. The Alliance believes that engaged citizens and landowners can make a compelling case that a huge 42-inch gas transmission line should not tear through our county.

Visit the FOMR web site for valuable info regarding the Pipeline and local efforts against it.  To hear Robin & Linda Williams' new song about the Pipeline, please click here.

Click here for a stimulating editorial written by Bobby Whitescarver called "Unwise pipeline calls for people power."
Middle River Clean-up Day

Many thanks to our partner, Valley Conservation Council, and to our corporate sponsor, Virginia Eagle Distributing, for helping FOMR create and coordinate a very successful Middle River Clean-up Day on September 27th.

Five miles of Middle River were cleaned of debris as well as one and one half miles of Lewis Creek and most of Asylum Creek.

Click here for more info on the event as well as a list of volunteers and a photo gallery of the clean-up day.
Augusta Bird Club Seed Sale

The Augusta Bird Club is having its annual bird seed sale right now. 

Orders need to be in by October 11th.

Don't delay - order today!

Download order form here.

Friends of the Middle River, PO Box 131, Verona, Virginia 24482, United States
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