Subject: CBFP Flash News 11/2019

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Newsletter 11/2019

The Kingdom of Belgium Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to announce the Seventh CBFP Council Meeting scheduled for 19 December 2019 in Douala, Cameroon.

From 15 to 21 November 2019 in Shanghai, China), Minister of State and CBFP Facilitator, Francois-Xavier de Donnea, took part in the International Forum on Green Supply Chains for forest products industry, entitled : “Together towards Global Green Supply Chains - A Forest Products Industry Initiative”

Brussels, Belgium, 30th September 2019: Woodbois Ltd. has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). As part of the application process, Woodbois has submitted the required documents and agreed to abide by the CBFP members’ cooperation framework in promoting sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa.

Saturday, 2 November 2019, End and closing of the preparatory workshop of the 18 December Civil Society Day held within the framework of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).

The Tokyo International Conference on development in Africa (TICAD) is an international meeting hosted by the Japanese government and jointly sponsored by the United Nations, the United Nations Development Program, the African Union Commission and the World Bank.

Shanghai, Republic of China, 21-25 October 2019- More than three hundred and fifty delegates including about sixty members of the International Technical Tropical Timber Association (ITTTA), sixty conference speakers and panelists took part in the 21st ITTTA forum. COMIFAC was represented at the gathering by Mr. Georges Moucharou, 2nd Technical Adviser at the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and representative of the Acting President, Raymond Ndomba Ngoye, Executive Secretary and Mr. Valery Tchuante, a monitoring and evaluation expert.

The preparatory sub-regional workshop in view of upcoming events under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place from 28 to 29 October 2019 in Douala, Cameroon.

30 September to 1st October 2019, Douala Cameroon-: Sub-regional experience-sharing forum on ABS held between COMIFAC researchers and the Japanese private sector.

From 8 to 10 October, the Chamber of Agriculture in Yaounde hosted a sub-regional training workshop for youths and women leaders in view of COP 25, entitled “Time for action-Gender and Climate Finance”.

Consumer markets are increasingly demanding proof of timber legality, but Congo Basin countries still lack sufficient qualified people to put sustainability and legality measures in place, according to Claude Kachaka Sudi, Regional Coordinator of the Network of Central African Forestry and Environmental Training Institutions (RIFFEAC).

The study shows that Central African forests received $2 billion from bilateral (52.5 percent) and multilateral (47.5 percent) sources, with Germany accounting for 25 percent of funding, followed by the European Union and the Global Environment Fund (GEF). Most funds went to Democratic Republic of Congo (40 percent), Chad (17 percent) and Cameroon (14 percent).

IISD-African Climate Risks Conference (ACRC) 2019, Highlights for Tuesday, 7 October 2019

Reducing disaster risk is a global challenge. Which is why the international community instituted the International Day for Risk Reduction, celebrated every 13 October. In the Congo, the government, through Ms. Arlette Soudan-Nonault, Minister of Tourism and Environment made a statement to mark the Day.

UNITED NATIONS, 16 October 2019 – The UN announced today that 30 influential leaders from the corporate world will work together over the next two years in a bid to free up trillions of dollars from the private sector to finance the Sustainable Development Goals.

The African forest policies and Politics (AFORPOLIS) organisation, TROPENBOS International (TBI) and TROPENBOS Ghana (TBG) are organising the second social sciences conference on “African forest-related policies and politics” (AFORPOLIS conference 2020).

Yaoundé-Cameroon, 08-10 October 2019- The Cameroon Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, also serving as Acting President of COMIFAC on 10 October received the young leaders of the Congo Basin forests gathered in Yaoundé within the framework of the 3rd edition of COP Chez Nous.

Achieving Zero Hunger is not only about feeding people, but also ensuring proper nutrition and nurturing the planet. This year, World Food Day calls for action across sectors to make healthy and sustainable diets affordable and accessible to everyone. At the same time, it calls on everyone to start thinking more carefully about what we eat.

African Climate Risks Conference (ACRC) 2019: REPORT

From 5 to 6 November 2019, the GSAC Alliance (Alliance for the Conservation of Great Apes in Central Africa) will be holding a strategic workshop in Pointe-Noire (Republic of Congo) which will discuss and develop a strategic plan for the next 3 years with the technical facilitation of the NGO Wellgrounded.

A validation workshop on the ABS procedure manual, and the communications strategy and action plan on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS was held from 8 to 10 October 2019 in Brazzaville (Congo).

Tensions have been rising for over a month now between forest communities in the Tsopo region and Canadian-owned Plantations et Huileries du Congo SA (PHC), a subsidiary of Feronia Inc.

The BMU is launching a new programme supporting local climate and nature conservation projects in developing countries and emerging economies. The programme is specially tailored to small projects. The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) is launching a new programme supporting local climate and nature conservation projects in developing countries and emerging economies.

San José, Costa Rica, 10 October 2019 - After three days of panels, high-level discussions and exchanging best practices for climate action, PreCOP25 in San José concluded today with calls for more climate ambition.
greenpeace-International Day of Rural Women: The case of Baka from South Cameroon
World Indigenous Peoples Present Climate Action
FGF 2020 Applications Now Open !

Following yesterday’s announcement, the Government of Chile, as incoming Presidency, has informed me that they received a generous offer of support from the Government of Spain to hold the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid on the same dates as originally planned.

On September 21 will be celebrated the International Day of Bibliodiversity. Since 2010, each year, some actions are organized in Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia, to promote independent publishing and bibliodiversity : bookcrossing, meetings, book picnics, posters.

Uncovering the hidden value of biodiversity. Investing in nature took center stage during the World Bank Group Annual Meetings, where GEF CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii joined an eminent panel to discuss ways to protect and encourage an integrated approach to economic planning and biodiversity conservation.

The deadline for submitting comments is 31 October (to allow time to include them in the version to be submitted to the participants of the validation workshop slated for 26 and 27 November in Libreville) Contacts: Valerie Tchuante ( ) and Jean Claude Nguinguiri (

Songdo, 11 Oct 2019 The Green Climate Fund recently explored how to break through market barriers and forge new climate finance pathways in developing countries by tapping the experiences of some of the world’s top financial firms.

After two very successful Business of Conservation Conferences, we are happy to announce that the next Business of Conservation Conference will take place from September 1st to 3rd, 2020 at the Kigali Convention Center in Kigali, Rwanda. Register here to secure your slot! It will be more powerful and action-oriented than ever as we delve even deeper into newer dimensions of environmental investing aimed at catalyzing economic development in Africa.

27 Sub-Saharan African countries have pledged to restore, or begin the process of restoring, over 96 million hectares of degraded land on the continent by 2030. 40 SSA countries include climate change mitigation from Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry in their (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the Paris Climate Accord. 34 NDCs include mitigation contributions from agriculture. Every African nation has signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals. The question now asked regularly: how will our countries keep these commitments?

Due to the growing realisation that deforestation affects us all, five years ago a coalition of governments, businesses, civil society organisations and Indigenous Peoples’ groups made a historic pledge to halve deforestation by 2020.

Cameroon, thanks to its variety of habitats, is blessed with an impressive biodiversity. Birds are no exception and close to 1,000 species are known to occur in Cameroon.

EU imports of tropical sawn wood increased 12% to 405,600 MT in the first half of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. Import value increased 7% to €388.4 million...Imports from Cameroon, particularly slow in the first half of last year, increased 20% to 141,000 MT during the first six months of 2019. Imports also increased sharply from several other countries including Brazil (up 47% to 77,600 MT), Gabon (up 20% to 58,600 MT), Congo (up 38% to 30,200 MT), Ghana (up 17% to 8,800 MT) and DRC (up 32% to 7,300 MT). These gains offset a 29% decline in imports from Malaysia, to 40,900 MT, and a 4% decline from Côte d'Ivoire, 14,200 MT.

Douala, Cameroon, 30 September- 1st October 2019 “The sub-regional Convergence Plan projects a 25% increase in absolute terms in the forestry-environment sector’s contribution to the GDP of the COMIFAC countries by 2025” said Mr. Ludovic ITSOUA MADZOUS, Deputy Executive Secretary of COMIFAC, as he welcomed the holding of the first meeting between a developed country and researchers of the Central African countries.

NEW YORK, September 26, 2019 - Citing an urgent need to fortify global defenses against climate change, six donor countries have renewed their funding commitment to the world’s poorest countries through the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), managed by the Global Environment Facility.

Scenes of flooding and storms can show us just how much weather and climate affects our lives. Climate change threatens our ability to ensure global food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. The global response to climate change today will determine how we feed future generations tomorrow.

A sustainable forest management (SFM) model focused on a high-value species is bringing important benefits for local people in Tanzania and helping ensure a long-term future for forests and communities, according to Nakai Kazushi from Yamaha Corporation.

"We are happy to inform you about the activities of this unique community. Our FSC colleagues did a great job at the Gabon Wood show in June. It is an example of how to approach other potential stakeholders and bring the positive message of the increase of sustainably managed forests in Gabon. And consequently growing opportunities to supply markets with sustainable FSC timber."

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Job offers

The successful candidate will manage a comprehensive capacity building project focussed on the training of Angolan investigators and, prosecutors and informing the judiciary on countering the national and cross-border illegal wildlife trade in that country. The executant will supervise and coordinate staff from our project partner ICCF who will implement a policy and legislation consultation with senior Angolan government legislators and policy makers. The AO Project Manager is a key contact point for project implementation and reporting. The AO Project Manager will report directly to the TSAf Senior Programme Coordinator and liaise closely with the USAID KAZA-CWCP Project Leader. Deadline for applications: 24th November 2019.

The African forest policies and Politics (AFORPOLIS) organisation, TROPENBOS International (TBI) and TROPENBOS Ghana (TBG) are organising the second social sciences conference on “African forest-related policies and politics” (AFORPOLIS conference 2020).

WWF CCPO seeks the services of a consultant to undertake community level vulnerability assessments in communities adjacent protected areas to assess direct impacts on people and their livelihoods and potential indirect impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems as communities cope with and adapt to impacts.

In its second year, the International Award will recognise a project led by a woman or group of women from an association or community network whose main objective relates directly to medicinal plants as part of a biodiversity approach.The call for application is opened until november 15, 2019.
It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news.
If you have any questions about any of issues CBFP is engaged on or would like to know more about any aspect of our work, please do forward your suggestions or do get in touch, we'd love to help:

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