Subject: CBFP Flash News 09/2020

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Newsletter 09/2020

Working within the General Secretariat of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) since 2009, Dr. Honoré TABUNA is from Congo Brazzaville. He holds a Doc­toral Thesis in Botanical Economies from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and the Chair of Business Management from the National lnstitute of Agronomie Research in Montpellier...

Two congolese Ministers share their vision on NDCs and partnerships with CAFI. “In difficult times, we need to explicitly stress the importance of land-use and sustainable forest management as primary solutions to control disease outbreaks and fight the climate crisis”.

Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, 17th August 2020—Congolese artisanal fishers are increasingly turning to shark fishing because of increased scarcity of other stocks overfished by industrial fisheries: urgent legislative and management improvements are needed to prevent a collapse of shark fishing and protect local livelihoods finds a new TRAFFIC report.

To read: Wildlife- We observed an unusual inter-group interaction between the Makumba and Mata habituated gorilla groups in Bai Hokou during which Mio, a young male from the Mata group spent all the time playing with Inguka, one of the twins in the Makumba group.

"The consequences of the pandemic could be long-lasting", stated Ambassador Smail Chergui, African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, adding that "the AU will continue to support governments to make extremely difficult choices to address the impact of COVID-19 across the continent".

The study expands the scope of reporting for the first time to all countries with multilateral development bank operations. It now provides data on MDB climate finance commitments beyond those directed solely at developing and emerging economies, but with the focus remaining on low- and middle-income countries.

To read: WFC 2021 in Seoul : Building a green, healthy and resilient future with forests; Gabon : Inauguration of the new Precious Woods CEB factory by Minister Lee White; Important update - Study Overview of the private sector in the Republic of Congo…

We are extremely proud and happy with our achievements this month. After more than 10 months of hard work at the Limbe Wildlife Centre, we have made a great step to further bridge the gap between animal welfare and conservation actions by inaugurating the first soft-release of endangered African grey parrot in Cameroon’s history.

Following virtual meetings in July 2020, the Group of 20 (G20) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors issued a communiqué that acknowledges global economic activity is expected to contract sharply in 2020 due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic...

While the coronavirus pandemic presents enormous health and economic challenges, there are also opportunities to jumpstart economies and rebuild societies through green recovery plans that are aligned with the 2030 Agenda.

UNFF Resolution Calls for Recruitment of New Director – IISD

'Our dead are buried there': Ebo logging decree sparks anger in Cameroon – The Guardian
Which Countries Are The Best In Wildlife Conservation? - worldatlas
My fellow Africans! I am pleased to issue this press briefing at the launch of the Inaugural Africa Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. As you might be aware, disasters have become a recurrent phenomenon in Africa and the Africa Union wants to ensure that countries prepared to minimize...

As the concept and principles of integrated landscape approaches (ILA) become increasingly popular, researchers and practitioners must consider not only their considerable potential to address socio-economic and environmental trade-offs facing people and nature...

Asha Bobb-Semple is an Analyst with the Global Environment Facility’s land degradation focal area, and works with cross-cutting global programs related to food systems, commodities, land use, and drylands. In an interview, she reflected on her career path that has led her from Jamaica’s watersheds to the landscapes of Central Asia in support of a better tomorrow.

To read : Implementation of FLEGT REDD CERTIFICATION project activities in the DRC; Continuation of TRACER-DR project Communication in Gabon with FRMI and BRAINFOREST; ATIBT publishes its study on the impact of COVID-19 on the forest sector in the Republic of Congo…

In the present article, we develop conceptual links between diet diversity and forested landscape mosaics within the rural tropics. First, we summarize the state of knowledge regarding diets obtained from forests, trees, and agroforests.

Farmers, regardless of gender, age or education, are well aware of land degradation, what it looks like and how it impacts their livelihoods. Their perception of the effects of land degradation, how they deal with the risks and their responses in turn shape options for restoration and the outcomes.
Scelerisque facilisis a Building social and ecological resilience in the Durban Port through solid waste reduction – IUCN
42nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG 42) - enb.iisd
Threats to coastal and marine ecosystems and the need for conservation at scale – IUCN
Threats to coastal and marine ecosystems and the need for conservation at scale – IUCN 
Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) reaffirmed their commitment to work towards an agreement on negotiations on fisheries subsidies that undermine marine resources as well as the food security and livelihoods of fisheries-dependent populations.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published a report warning that over half of the global gross domestic product (GDP) is potentially threatened by nature loss. The report argues that 15 systemic transitions across three socioeconomic systems could create annual business opportunities worth USD 10 trillion and 395 million jobs by 2030.

Developing countries – already the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change – are hardest hit by the humanitarian and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How fair is fair trade to women and marginalized people? A study commissioned by Fairtrade International to assess how effectively Fairtrade initiatives address gender equality revealed that fair markets alone are not enough to motivate gender- equitable benefit sharing.

For ten years, Dixon Parmuya has guided tourists on bush walks around Amboseli National Park in Southern Kenya. But since COVID-19 swept through Kenya in mid-March, the country’s tourism industry has dwindled, leaving many locals without jobs and animals without protection.

The Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) met on 3 July 2020 to discuss how trade policy can address plastics pollution and a circular economy and to review the resumption of work on other initiatives disrupted by COVID-19.

Mr. Ollikainen discusses how Adaptation Fund projects are building resilience to climate change in vulnerable communities, and also broader resilience against environmental, health and economic risks through their inherent adaptation measures. He also discusses how some projects are adapting to directly help with the crisis in creative ways.

An international technology competition to design software that can support well-informed land use decisions is launched by the Group on Earth Observation Land Degradation Neutrality (GEO-LDN) Initiative.

It is with immense delight that we proudly invite you to the 27th Annual Conference of the Cameroon Bio-science Society (CBS) (Bioscience 2020), to be held at the University of Douala, from December 1st - 5 th, 2020.

To read : Joint Communique by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Ecological transition, The Ministry of Economy and Finance ; Unlocking Sustainable Tropical Timber Market Growth Through Data…

To read: When communities and governments collaborate—latest edition of the Tropical Forest Update; Air your views on the future of forest education—participate in global survey; ITTO and Soka Gakkai to help empower women in Togo through forest restoration…

Wildlife forensics: how a giant pangolin named Ghost could help save the species – The Guardian
Update on the regional initiative to combat drought and SDS in Central Asia - UNCCD
IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions - IUCN
Statement of the IUCN SSC African Elephant Specialist Group on elephant deaths in Botswana – IUCN
A new UN drive to increase global protected areas could lead to severe human rights violations and cause irreversible social harm if not backed by much stronger guarantees of the rights of indigenous people and other local communities, the Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) warns today.

CIF and CSIS recently held a second workshop to discuss just transitions—an approach that seeks to ensure workers and communities are both protected and benefit from the deep and rapid changes to come in the transition to a new climate economy.

The €1.8 trillion pandemic recovery plan and long-term budget deal agreed by EU heads of government on 21 July 2020, after nearly five days of haggling, is widely seen as a political and economic landmark. But from an environmental perspective, the package is an opportunity missed.

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Job offers

WWF is therefore seeking the services of an Individual Consultant to carry out an assessment of progress made by Cameroon, Congo, DRC and Gabon in the implementation of their NIAPs. All candidates interested in conducting this assessment on a consultant basis should submit, no later than September 14th, 2020.

The Belgian Trade for Development Centre (TDC) has launched a call for proposals for African Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) and producer organisations active in sustainable production and trade. Applications must be submitted by 10th September 2020.

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