Subject: CBFP Flash News 08/2021

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Newsletter 08/2021

Berlin, August 05, 2021, Sweden has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). In this connection, Sweden believes its activities in Africa fall in line with the principles outlined in the cooperation framework of CBFP members and COMIFAC’s convergence plan with which it has familiarised itself, aimed at promoting sustainable management of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity in Central Africa.

A new member of the great CBFP family: Welcome to International Forestry and Environmental Development – IFED!!!

Berlin, August 05, 2021, Sweden has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). In this connection, Sweden believes its activities in Africa fall in line with the principles outlined in the cooperation framework of CBFP members and COMIFAC’s convergence plan with which it has familiarised itself, aimed at promoting sustainable management of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity in Central Africa.
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The Honourable Dr. Christian Ruck, Federal Republic of Germany CBFP Facilitator gives a new impetus to the implementation of the N'Djaména Declaration - Douala (Cameroon) - 12 to 15 July 2002, an Expert follow-up meeting to the N’Djamena Conference was held to develop country investment plans geared towards transboundary transhumance, zoonoses, the fight against transboundary poaching, security and sustainable development between the Sahel and the Congo Basin.

GIZ-PFBC initiates in Douala a workshop on the harmonization and follow-up of the N'Djamena Declaration on transhumance and the preservation of ecological sites Sena-Oura (Chad)-Bouba-Ndjidda (Cameroon)
Gathered at the Best Western Plus Hotel in Douala, on July 14 and 15, experts and officials in charge of fauna, flora and parks of Chad and Cameroon, which share the binational park of Sena-Oura in Chad and Bouba Ndjidda in Cameroon, worked on the support project for this complex, as part of the sustainable management of forests in the Congo Basin and financed by the German Cooperation (GIZ), in support of the Commission of Forests of Central Africa (COMIFAC).

The following organizations have been granted the status of Executing Agency of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS): the Conference on Dense and Humid Forest Ecosystems of Central Africa (CEFDHAC) with headquarters in Yaoundé, Republic of Cameroon; the International Forum on Green Business with headquarters in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo...

The Congolese President, Denis Sassou N'Guesso, exchanged last Tuesday in Brazzaville with the facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, Christian Ruck. The exchanges focused on the 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference (Cop26), scheduled for November 1-12 in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and the Congo Basin Arlette SOUDAN-NONAULT, received in audience, this Tuesday, July 13, 2021, Dr. Christian RUCK, facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).

The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) redefines forest and deforestation for the well-being of humanity and nature. Central Africa has a forest cover of 314 million hectares. Rich in wildlife (from rare butterflies to elephants and great apes), forests also provide food, water and shelter for more than 180 million people, and are a huge carbon sink. Despite their enormous importance to humanity, the forests of the Congo Basin are threatened by unsustainable exploitation of their resources.

Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, hosted a series of three workshops from 14 to 25 June 2021 at the Hotel PEFACO Maya Maya. The first workshop focused on the planning and consultation of the Network of Young Leaders for the Sustainable Management of Central African Forest Ecosystems (REJEFAC), the second on the Network of Parliamentarians for the Sustainable Management of Central African Forest Ecosystems (REPAR) and the third on the African Women's Network for Sustainable Development (REFADD).

Central Africa currently has more than 200 protected areas covering a total of 800 000 km², or twice the size of Cameroon. Across the 10 countries of the region, the number and size of protected areas have doubled in the last 20 years.

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis - IPCC
DSPA July newsletter
ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Long-term (1990–2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics
A new website for the Forest Scientific and Technical Committee - ATIBT

Results of the work of the geographical block WEST.  Please download the Document here below:

Results of the work of the geographical block WEST. Please download the Document here below:

Results of the work of the geographical block CENTER. Please download the Document here below:

The Least Developed Countries Fund, the only dedicated source of climate adaptation support for the world’s smallest and most vulnerable economies, will provide more than $60 million to address urgent needs in Bhutan, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Kiribati, Lesotho, Somalia, and Timor-Leste under its latest work program.

DRC’s Salonga National Park removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger – WWF
GCA Chief: We Are ‘Utterly Unprepared’ for the Climate Emergency – BREITBART
3-Day Climate Action Workshop for Development Finance Institutions in Africa - AFDB
The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: The Governance Challenge - IISD

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board at its twenty-ninth meeting, has allocated USD 500 million in GCF resources for new climate projects, and taken significant steps to strengthen results management for its growing portfolio. During the meeting, four (04) new climate projects were approved and will mobilise a total sum of USD 2,949 million for climate action in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, with three of the four new projects targeting support to the most vulnerable countries including Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States, and African states.

Joseph Dion Ngute's decision was signed on May 5, 2021. This is the culmination of a case that captivated the nation’s attention in August 2020. In a decree signed on May 5, 2021, Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute repealed another decree, dating back from 2016, signed at the time by his predecessor, Philemon Yang, expropriating 66,340 hectares of land in the Ntem Valley, South Region.

During the official opening of the ECOFAC6 Regional Programme’s Steering Committee, (organized in Douala, Cameroon from 4 to 6 May) EU Ambassador, Ms. Rosario Bento-Pais, recalled that the EU invests more than 80 million Euros in the ECOFAC6 Programme. The other 17 million are invested by the partners. Amounting to approximately 100 million Euros, the investment makes ECOFAC6 the largest European environmental programme in Central Africa and a one-of-the-kind initiative in the world.

On 18 May 2021, the Wilson Center organized a discussion focused on the role of the Green Climate Fund in scaling up finance for climate action.  Ambassador Mark Green, the President of the Wilson Center, opened the discussion with a call to action :  “the climate crisis is already here, and so is our opportunity to respond. The world will face huge costs in adapting to climate change, up to $500 billion per year by 2050.”  He then raised the biggest unanswered question in climate finance : why does adaptation currently attract only 20% of all climate finance?

CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, Honorable Dr. Christian Ruck, undertook a mission in Gabon from the 9th to the 14th of May 2021. Dr Christian Ruck met in turn with: the Prime Minister; the Minister Delegate for Water, Forests, the Sea and the Environment; the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food; the Vice-President of the ECCAS Commission; the Commissioner for the Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Development; the National Climate Council...
Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas : June 2021 newsletter
New release: WWF Human Wildlife Conflict Report
Progress Reported in Transparency Talks Ahead of COP 26 – SDG.IISD
NATO Adopts Climate Change Actions for 2030 - SDG.IISD

The dynamics of the CBFP in Cameroon, how to enhance the conservation and sustainable management of the forests of the Congo Basin while preserving their vital role for the regional and global climate were at the heart of the political (MINFOF, MINFI, MINEPAT, parliamentarians) and technical discussions.

Video Conference - May 20, 2021. The CBFP private sector college held a special meeting. Moderated by the Co-Leader of the CBFP private sector college, Ms. Jacqueline Van de Pol (ATIBT), the meeting gathered close to twenty participants.

The meeting held on Monday 3rd May 2021 at the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon. The Facilitator thanked the Ministry for the positive response it had given to the Declaration of the ECCAS/COMIFAC countries for the forests of the Congo Basin and its periphery.

During his mission to Gabon from 09 to 14 May 2021, the CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, Honorable Dr. Christian Ruck, had a working session with Gabonese civil society accompanied by the German Ambassador to Gabon.

Practical guide to tree plantations in the dense humid forests of Africa

COP26 Registration Opens to Facilitate Participant Vaccination – UNFCCC
NDC - Examples of Clean Energy Transition in Member Countries

As the CBFP announced on its website, it will be managed until 2022 by the Facilitation team of the Federal Republic of Germany with Honourable Dr Christian Ruck serving as Facilitator, assisted by the Co-Facilitator, Minister Raymond Mbitikon of the Central African Republic. The Facilitation’s mandate was originally scheduled to end in 2021.

Thursday, 06 May 2021: Starting from 11:45 am, a luncheon was held in the Safoutier Hall of the Hilton Hotel between the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Cameroonian Delegation of the Network of Parliamentarians for Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPAR-Cameroon).

Upcoming Events
Job offers

For our country programme office in Cameroon, we are looking for a dynamic and committed Head of Accounting who will provide support to the FAM in the delivery of corporate tasks and objectives. Major functions: Support the FAM in the delivery of corporate tasks and objectives, assuming responsibility for the completion of a range of duties designed to achieve the accurate and timely processing of CCPO’s financial transactions and the production of monthly statements.Deadline for applications: 31st August 2021.


In this role, you will work with 6 cities in Rwanda, Ethiopia, and South Africa to recommend and develop finance and funding strategies for urban water resilience projects in those geographic contexts. You will work closely with the Project Lead and city stakeholders to identify priority projects in each city and conduct the needed research to identify investment opportunities and financing strategies for 1-2 priority urban water initiatives in each city.


This call for proposals is designed to attract contributions from interested groups across Africa which focus on the APAC objectives, streams and cross cutting themes. More details for APAC can be found on the document titled “African Protected Areas for People and Nature: APAC Content for Streams and Cross- Cutting Themes” which can be viewed and downloaded from the APAC website (soon to be finalized and online). Before filling your application, be sure to be familiar with this document. The call for proposals closes:  August 31st 2021

It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news.
If you have any questions about any of issues CBFP is engaged on or would like to know more about any aspect of our work, please do forward your suggestions or do get in touch, we'd love to help:

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