Subject: CBFP Flash News 06/2020

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Newsletter 06/2020

The new CBFP Co-Facilitator was born in 1951 in Fafara (Bimbo) in the Central African Republic. His studies were crowned with a Diploma in Forestry Engineering and a Certificate in Techniques and Management of Development Projects, just to name a few.

Brussels, Belgium, 20th March 2020: AFORPOLIS has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). As part of the application process, AFORPOLIS has submitted the required documents and agreed to abide by the CBFP members’ cooperation framework in promoting sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa.

The first ever meeting of Africa’s heads of Protected Areas agencies was held on 22-23 April, 2020 through video conferencing.

implementation of the N’Djamena Declaration (January 2019) and the Douala Action Plan (December 2019) on security, the fight against poaching, monitoring of transhumance and armed groups circulating between the Sahel and Equatorial Africa.

The Largest participation of the Members ever of the international NGOs CBFP College and revitalization of the process towards a common position of the Partnership CBFP and way forward, in the framework of this Important ‘year of biodiversity and forests, climate’ with major international conferences...

ATIBT co-facilitated the mobilization of the private sector of the timber sector to participate in the first meeting of the private sector college of Congo Basin Forest Partnership with the new facilitator Dr Christian Ruck and his team German Facilitation.

The partners of the CBFP multilateral college discussed the roadmap of the CBFP Facilitation by the Federal Republic of Germany ; the impact of Covid-19 on their interventions in Central Africa ; and the situation of human rights and conservation in Central Africa.

By managing "legacy landscapes" properly while at the same time respecting the needs of local communities and their human rights, we can conserve a significant share of biodiversity on earth.

Study sheds light on levels of illegal trade in USA and EU markets - TRAFFIC

Today, the European Commission adopted a comprehensive new Biodiversity Strategy to bring nature back into our lives and a Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. The two strategies are mutually reinforcing, bringing together nature, farmers, business and consumers for jointly working towards a competitively sustainable future...

To read: Carlos Manuel Rodriguez named new CEO of GEF; GEF Council agrees on $700 million for environmental action; GEF's response to COVID-19; 58th GEF Council Meeting…

The webinar featured a panel of expert speakers including Steven Broad, TRAFFIC's Executive Director, Dr Nick Nwankpa  of AU PANVAC, Dr Scott Newman from the FAO Regional Office for Africa and Ms Leah Wanambwa-Naess from DREA, AUC.

To read: Forest defenders on the COVID-19 frontline stand ready to assist the global EU response; DG Justice joins the due diligence debate on the side of mandatory rules; Scientists point to the links between destruction of biodiversity and COVID-19 outbreak…

The study: 'Stockpiles of elephant ivory in DRC: what management measures to  put in place?' was compiled following revelations that over a 26-year period from 1990 through 2015, a minimum of 7,686 kg of ivory went missing from government custody in DRC.

The world's biggest ecosystem restoration project – Thegef
UNIDO secures nearly US$45 million in GEF funding at first ever virtual GEF Council - Unido
GEF Council agrees on $700 million for urgent environmental action – GEF
Together We Can Protect Our Home: Happy World Oceans Day!

The webinar featured a panel of expert speakers including Steven Broad, TRAFFIC's Executive Director, Dr Nick Nwankpa  of AU PANVAC, Dr Scott Newman from the FAO Regional Office for Africa and Ms Leah Wanambwa-Naess from DREA, AUC.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced us all to confront how environmental degradation bringing wildlife and people too close together endangers economies and societies alike. In a document prepared for the 58th GEF Council, the Global Environment Facility Secretariat outlines its planned response to COVID-19. Read it here.

Countries with abundant natural resources are often plagued with endemic corruption and weak accountability. The governance crisis is not only detrimental for the protection of forests and naturew...

While uncertainties and disruption associated with COVID-19 abound, many leadership companies are still moving forward with the important process of drafting their 2020-2030 sustainability goals.

"At a time when many countries are beginning their gradual deconfinement and when there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon of returning to normal life, I wanted to share with you some good news that also fills us with hope for the future of the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park."

Here we first scrutinize how REDD+ was historically conceptualized, the most prominent model being that of a multitier payments for environmental services (PES) scheme of "passing on" carbon mitigation responsibilities and credits across scales, from international buyers to forestland owners.
WWF: Rainforest deforestation more than doubled under cover of coronavirus -DW
Shorter supply chains needed to end hunger after pandemic: UN envoy - climatechangenews
Formalizing artisanal logging in Central Africa - CIFOR
Nature is Calling - Using South-South Cooperation to replicate nature-based solutions - UNDP
Last April 30th FAO and EcoAgriculture Partners organized a virtual Roundtable on Territorial Perspectives for Development, in which over 170 people participated.

PEFC International has been assessed by the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC) as complying with Dutch sustainability requirements.

he aim of the project is to contribute to the sustainable management of the forests of the Congo Basin, through the development of a continuous training offer for the forest-wood sector (upstream and downstream) in Central African countries.

Globally deforestation continues, albeit at a slower rate, with 10 million hectares a year being converted to other uses since 2015, down from 12 million hectares a year in the previous five years,  according to the key findings of a flagship report that is conducted by the FAO...

This second public consultation will be open for a period of 30 days from tomorrow Saturday the 23rd of May 2020 and will be closed on Monday the 22nd of June 2020.

These efforts go hand in hand with ensuring continued responsible management of natural resources and preventing unsustainably and illegally sourced forest commodities.
COVID-19 and food safety: guidance for food businesses - FAO
How is COVID-19 affecting the fisheries and aquaculture food systems – FAO
The impacts of COVID-19 on the forest sector: How to respond? - FAO
COVID-19 and smallholder producers’ access to markets - FAO

The theme of the 2020 International Day for Biological Diversity is “Our Solutions are in Nature”. It shows that "Biodiversity remains the answer to a number of sustainable development challenges that we all face.

On the occasion of the World Biodiversity Day, this new PPI video proposes to illustrate this question of biodiversity conservation and the links with local economic development.

Human health and livelihoods depend on planetary health. So, how can we feed a growing global population without eating the planet? The 2020 theme of GLF is “Food and Livelihoods.

Thanks to international funding, nature protection in various regions across Africa has become increasingly defensive and is further bolstered by military-style tactics. In many countries, ordinary park rangers are being....

The ITTO Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report, an output of the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS), is published in English every two weeks with the aim of improving transparency in the international tropical timber market.

A survey by the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS) and the Trade Advisory Group (TAG) in nine tropical countries shows that the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are having substantial impacts on the tropical timber sector...

UWA welcomes two gorillas infants in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Greater Virunga
Advancing forestry education in the Congo Basin – ITTO
New joint publication on forest product conversion factors – ITTO
Pandemic pandemonium in the tropical timber sector – ITTO

As the emerging SARS CoV-2 virus (causing COVID-19 disease in humans) spread and declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation....

The 5th newsletter of the FSC Congo Basin Community is available for download...To read: CIB-OLAM boost the certified area in the Congo Basin; Congo Basin: Public And Private Forestry Sector’s response to the Covid-19 crisis...

In a Thomson Reuters Op-Ed, GEF CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii shared her view that the coronavirus crisis has strengthened the case for rethinking how we tackle global threats

Fern and 15 other NGOs working on climate, environment, human rights and sustainable development issues have released a statement on the EU’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

28 April 2020, Rome - The forestry industry must take steps to improve its safety record and promote decent rural employment in support of the Sustainable Development Agenda, according to a new FAO paper published today on World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

A new guidebook is now available for monitoring the outcomes and impacts of nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation. This is a practical guide for planners and practitioners to better understand the outcomes and impacts of on-the-ground projects that work with and enhance nature to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on people (or ‘Ecosystem-based Adaptation’ (EbA)).

FAO urges at G20 meeting protection of food supply chains amid COVID-19 threat – FAO

The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat understands that the rapidly evolving situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 creates uncertainty and constraints for the normal implementation of projects funded...

GCF has a crucial role in serving the Paris Agreement, supporting the goal of keeping average global temperature rise well below 2 degrees C. It does this by channelling climate finance to developing countries, which have joined other nations in committing to climate action.

Christian Mounzéo and Essylot C. Lubala take a look at China’s new forestry laws and their impact on forested countries like those of the Congo Basin.

“For 20 years, we have been urging China to ban the use of illegal wood- it finally happened today”. “New Chinese law bans illegal timber”, “China- Revised forest law includes ban on illegal timber”! It is clear from these headlines that China’s recent forest law reform is a long awaited development for civil society organizations concerned with forest legality issues.

Summary of conclusions- Restricted meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) - 2 April 2020 ... Members of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) have called for rapid support for some 17 million people....

Pitfalls and Promises of Congo’s new forest Eldorado – Fern
How civil society is protecting forests and Indigenous Peoples’ rights in Congo – Fern
Study on the interaction between security and wildlife conservation in sub-Saharan Africa – Europa
Forest governance and climate action in the Republic of Congo: Successes, challenges and perspectives
The Facilitation´s overarching objective for 2020 and 2021 is to contribute to the preservation and sustainable use of Central Africa´s incredibly rich forest landscapes.

Dear Partner, I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are doing well in this difficult time of Covid-19 Pandemic. This global crisis affecting our countries, our communities, our families...

A joint meeting of the Tri-national Supervisory and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) on the Tripartite Anti-Poaching Agreement between Cameroon, Central African Republic and Chad, abbreviated in French as “AT-LAB de N’Djamena“...

By managing "legacy landscapes" properly while at the same time respecting the needs of local communities and their human rights, we can conserve a significant share of biodiversity on earth.

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Job offers

We are looking for an experienced, bilingual (French and English) consultant to provide an updated assessment of the current NDCs in the following African countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo (desk review only), Ghana, Liberia, and Republic of the Congo. All proposals must be received by 30 June 2020.

The Rapid Response Grants were designed to address the risks and difficulties induced by the COVID-19 crisis in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.  DEADLINE: Applicants may apply at any time and the call will be open until 31 December 2020 (23:59 Brussels local time).

Reporting to the WRI Africa Director, you will be responsible for overseeing our activities in Democratic Republic of Congo in relation to forest monitoring, forest management and legality, restoration, and land use planning.

As a part of our SOS African Wildlife initiative, we are inviting proposals for Rapid Action Grants targeting terrestrial or freshwater threatened species in continental Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar.

2020 Application Period is now open. Application Deadine is July 15, 2020. All applications are treated equally regardless of the language of submission, so please submit in the language you are most comfortable with.

The objective of this call for applications is to select ten (10) recipients of Master's level training fellowships in order to contribute to strengthening the skills of protected area management staffs or to increase the availability of expertise in the field within West African States. Closing date: 17 June 2020.

Call for application for ten (10) Master’s Scholarships

The objective of this call for applications is to select ten (10) recipients of Master's level training fellowships in order to contribute to strengthening the skills of protected area management staffs or to increase the availability of expertise in the field within West African States. Closing date: 17 June 2020.

Applications should be submitted by doctoral schools and/or research laboratories/centres of expertise qualified in the field relevant to the proposal. Applications must be submitted no later than 15 June 2020.

It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news.
If you have any questions about any of issues CBFP is engaged on or would like to know more about any aspect of our work, please do forward your suggestions or do get in touch, we'd love to help:

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