Subject: CBFP Flash News 02/2021

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Newsletter 02/2021

BERLIN – At today's online Climate Adaptation Summit, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 220 million euros for enhanced support for the least developed countries' efforts to adapt to climate change and for the expansion of climate insurance programmes.

African Development Bank President Akinwumi A. Adesina has been announced as a champion of Africa’s Great Green Wall (GGW) initiative. The appointment was made at a forum held in the margins of the One Planet Summit 2021 to mobilise support for the ambitious project to plant an 8,000 km swathe of trees and other vegetation across the Sahara and Sahel regions of Africa.

Millions of poor farmers living in the world’s most climate-impacted parts of the Sahel have cause for hope today because of their governments’ support for accelerating Africa’s Great Green Wall (GGW), an area covering 11 countries from Senegal and Mali in the West to Ethiopia and Djibouti in the East. 

In collaboration with the Forest is life scientific team from the Faculty Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liège), Nature + published at the end of 2020 a book entitled "Development and implementation of a management plan de la fauna - Technical guide for managers of production forests in Central Africa ”.

With its creation being supported by the APEF Program and spearheaded by the APN, the Ennedi Natural and Cultural Reserve (ENCR) was officially created in February 2019. Managed since its creation by the African Parks Network (APN), the ENCR is Chad’s newest protected area. As it enters its third year of management, the balance sheet is quite positive for this reserve spanning 40,000 km² on the edge of the Sahara.

Since 2000, the Scimitar-horned Oryx, a species once scattered across North Africa, has been classified as "extinct in the wild" by the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Meeting restoration targets requires a holistic system to track and document progress while consistently improving management practices. Tracking restoration will help governments, local communities and NGOs show the progress made on their commitments and scale up successful projects, and positive results will inspire donors to continue investing (WRI 2020).

We bid farewell to 2020 with little regret—it has been an unusually difficult year for most, including in the tropical forest sector. But even in these grimmest of times, there is cause for optimism. With the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration upon us, the latest edition of the TFU presents stories about restoring and sustainably using forests. We look forward to 2021 in solidarity and hope.

Contribution Note of the DRC’s Environmental Civil Society Organizations to the Revision of the NDC
Illegal logging soars during Covid-19 pandemic in Congo Basin - CIDT
Highlights and images of main proceedings for 11 February 2021 – IISD
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report Focuses on Nature-based Solutions - IISD

The first school year of the Master of Wood Sciences will start in September 2021 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier to train executives, engineers and future researchers, who will be the driving force behind development and innovation in local and tropical companies in the Forest-Wood sector and research laboratories.

This week Ursula von der Leyen signalled the EU’s desire to lead the world in the fight against global deforestation. But if the key drivers of deforestation aren’t addressed, progress will remain limited.

This week Ursula von der Leyen signalled the EU’s desire to lead the world in the fight against global deforestation. But if the key drivers of deforestation aren’t addressed, progress will remain limited.

Held as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP21 resulted in the Paris Agreement, which was ratified by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2016.

A contract to support private sector involvement in the FLEGT VPA process in the Republic of Congo was signed on January 12, 2021 between EFI (under FCDO funding) and ATIBT. With the aim of improving the sustainable management of its forest resources, the Republic of Congo embarked in 2008 on the negotiation of a FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the European Union. The agreement officially entered into force on 1 March 2013.

Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas - Newsletter December 2020

Gabon aims to be the world champion in processed tropical timber by 2023 -ATIBT
When the market gives back: new video portrays sustainable forest-based development in Guatemala – ITTO

On 28 December 2020, five park rangers accused of raping and torturing four women in DRC’s Salonga National Park were convicted by the Military Court in Mbandaka, following a long battle for justice supported by the Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) and its local partner Actions pour la Promotion et Protection des Peuples et Espèces Menacés (APEM).

We use the term ‘community forestry’ as when “communities have the right to manage the forest resources upon which they depend, with a view to improving their living conditions.” This definition was agreed when Fern's partners met in 2014. Participants wanted to highlight that the term ‘community forestry’ refers to forest management by and from the point of view of communities.  

Cambridge UK, 5th January 2021 – The course ‘Prevention on Wildlife Trafficking’ launched by FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations and TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, is now available free of charge in seven languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish).

The Sahel region's Great Green Wall Initiative received a major boost from the African Development Bank on Monday. During a forum hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Bank pledged to assist in mobilising up to $6.5 billion over five years, to advance the landmark initiative.

UNFCCC Closes 2020 with 28 Long-term Low-emission Development Strategies – IISD
White paper states prospects for China's international development cooperation - CIDCA
Governments Adopt Four-Year Guidance to UN Development System –IISD
Customs in China and Laos Unite in Pivotal Meeting to Combat the Smuggling of Endangered Wildlife Across their Borders –TRAFFIC

After more than a decade of working toward qualifying for payments under the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions caused by Deforestation and Forest Degradation) scheme, Indonesia received its first results-based financial rewards last year.

Washington, D.C. (December 16, 2020) – Recognizing the Adaptation Fund’s tangible and effective adaptation actions on the ground for the most vulnerable and its growing portfolio of work, several contributor governments came forward with new pledges to the Fund totaling nearly US$ 116 million.

Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification Ibrahim Thiaw welcomes the announcement that the Government of Canada is set to invest up to 55 million Canadian dollars in the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund. The Fund supports private sector projects in developing countries that use sustainable land management techniques to restore degraded ecosystems and adapt to green economies.

The Adaptation Fund received new pledges from several contributor governments totaling nearly USD 116 million. The pledges coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement and Climate Ambition Summit 2020….

The ambitious Great Green Wall for the Sahel and Sahara Initiative has received at least 14.326 billion United States Dollars in new funding. The funding will fast track efforts to restore degrading land, save biological diversity as well as create green jobs and build resilience of the Sahelian people.

Putting traditional knowledge to work for the planet -GEF7
The UNODC supports Gabon’s efforts to combat wildlife and forest crime -UNODC
UNGA adopts resolution on implementing UNCCD- UNCCD
New paper: Land resources opportunities for a growing prosperity in the Sahel- UNCCD

Within the framework of the FLEGT-REDD, FLEGT-IP and FLEGT certification projects (financed respectively by the Fonds Français pour l'Environnement, the European Union and the PPECF), the Syndicat des Producteurs Industriels du Bois en Côte d'Ivoire (SPIB), the Union des Forestier et Industriels du Bois du Gabon (UFIGA) and ATIBT have commissioned the production of short films to raise awareness among stakeholders in the forest and timber sector on major issues involving the private sector.

Following the GLF Biodiversity’s One World - One Health online conference, during which the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme ( SWM)  launched the White paper and Advisory Note entitled : “Build Back Better in a Post-Covid-19 world: Reducing future wildlife-borne spillover of disease to humans”, we are delighted to announce that the publications are now available in French.

In the small remote village of Dia, on the edge of Messok Dja, one of the last sanctuaries of forest elephants and great apes in the world, children had been out of school for over 4 years. In July 2016, Ezra and his friends celebrated the end of the school year. Little did they know it would be their last school year "No one dreamed that would be our last day of school!” He recalls.

This publication outlines the GEF’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides a snapshot of progress toward operational goals, and in support of enhanced fiduciary oversight and safeguards of environmental projects....

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Job offers

This position should be filled by May 2021 with a limited contract for the duration of the Volkswagen Foundation project which is 3 years for the proposed research assistant (PhD candidate) position. The selected candidate will benefit from a salaried posi-tion according to the German salary TVL system (TV-L E13). Regular working hours are average of 65 % of a full position (currently 25,87 hours per week). Please apply by 03.03.2021 via the online application portal...


Under the direction of the Director of the Division of Operations and direct supervision of the Finance/Administrative Officer, assist in: Maintaining ledgers and financial files, reconciliation of accounts, assisting in closing books; Preparation of financial and project analysis reports for management, member countries and donors...  Deadline for application is 14 February 2021.


A vacancy announcement has been posted for the position of ITTO Executive Director, consistent with the provisions of ITTC Decision 5(LVI), “Matters related to Article 14 of the ITTA, 2006, regarding the recruitment, selection, and term of the Executive Director”. The deadline for applications is 23:59 Japan Standard Time on 15 April 2021.

Following promptly on from the announcement in December 2020 of its funding extension, ICAT is pleased to open the call for Expressions of Interest for countries to join the global Initiative and increase their capacity to take effective climate action through enhanced transparency. Interested countries are invited to submit a formal Expression of Interest issued by an official entity (ministry or agency) by 28 February 2021.

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