Subject: CBFP Flash News 01/2021

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Newsletter 01/2021

In this festive season at the end of the year 2020, we are pleased to get back to you to express our appreciation, because from our interactions during this year 2020 that is drawing to a close, we have benefited from your diverse and rich contributions and proactive engagements that have enriched and enhanced our joint partnership.

The "Transhumance Day" side event was held on 9 December 2020, in the Kinshasa meeting room of the Congo River hotel. The day was devoted to strategic reflection on the topic of peaceful transhumance and gathered experts from the different geographical blocs established as part of the implementation of the N’DJAMENA Declaration. During the meeting, participants were presented a roadmap and a logical framework, which had been developed during previous working sessions.

Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) - 11 December 2020 – the CBFP Council held its eighth meeting. The gathering was chaired by the Honourable Dr Christian Ruck, CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, co-chaired by His Excellency Mr. Jules Doret Ndongo, Cameroon Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Acting Chairman of COMIFAC and hosted by: His Excellency Barrister Claude NYAMUGABO BAZIBUHE, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo – 10 December 2020: A High-level dialogue was held between the members of the CBFP Regional College (member States, COMIFAC and ECCAS) and the Technical and Financial partners who belong to the CBFP Donor College.

Convened by the Cameroon Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Acting Chairman of the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC), with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany, Facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), an extraordinary session of the Council of Forestry and Environment Ministers of the COMIFAC member countries was held on 10 December 2020 in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the wings of the 8th CBFP Council meeting.

On 8 December 2020, the second edition of the special Civil Society College Day of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) was held at the Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

A side event was organized on Thursday 10 December, in room Panorama 3 of the Fleuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa. Held on the sidelines of the 8th CBFP Council and its related meetings, the side event was entitled 'Community conservation as a possible solution to the sustainability of conservation and local development actions: Standard-setting tools for managing PAs, the experience of ICCAs in the DRC '.

ARTICLE 1. - (1) This decree shall lay down the terms and conditions for the use of wood of legal origin in public procurement. (2) It shall apply to public procurement initiated by the State and other legal persons governed by public law.

At the invitation of Mr. Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon, Acting Chairman of the N’Djamena Anti-poaching Tripartite Agreement of (N'Djamena AT6LAB of 2013) between Cameroon, CAR and Chad, the expert meeting in view of the second session of the Tripartite Supervision and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) of the N’Djamena AT-LAB between Cameroon, CAR and Chad took place on 8 December 2020 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Joint Implementation Committee took place on November 25 and 26, 2020 in the conference room of the Ministry of Forest Economy in Brazzaville and was co-chaired by Mrs. Rosalie MATONDO, Minister of Forest Economy and Mr. Raul MATEUS PAULA, Ambassador Head of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Congo.

GENEVA, 7 October 2020 – Revising the operating procedures of the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) is an endeavour that started earlier this year and has just received valuable recommendations from a new report by Transparency International (TI). Acknowledging the work achieved on transparency and integrity while identifying areas for improvement, the report released today by TI provides useful input into the process.

The 7th annual STTC conference was held on 19 November on the theme "Holding the line and moving forward: roots for green recovery". The STTC team was delighted with this interactive and stimulating online event and thanks the participants for their presence and the ideas shared.

This agreement, which has just been signed by the two establishments, covers the implementation of technical activities relating to tropical timber, its processing and its uses.

Poor governance fuels ‘horrible dynamic’ of deforestation in DRC - Mongabay

Sustainable forest management in the DRC: participatory approaches for resilient development of local communities
Chad: renewed clashes between herders and farmers leave 11 dead in the South - koaci

The development process of the PAFC CB forest certification standard sparked enthusiasm among forest management stakeholders who provided more than 300 comments.

New report shows the long-term benefits of restoring forests outweigh the costs. The long-term benefits of restoring forests outweigh the costs, and this is a key factor in driving the implementation of forest landscape restoration (FLR) in many countries, a new WWF and IUFRO study finds.

Payments for environmental services (PES) are at the heart of Côte d’Ivoire’s REDD+ and forest policies, which aim to restore and conserve the country’s forest cover up to 20% of the country’s land area. The EU REDD Facility has analysed the experience and lessons learnt from two innovative pilot projects, which tested several PES models aimed at restoring forest cover in cocoa landscapes. I have the pleasure of sharing with you the results of this analysis.

The publication comes on the heels of the European Parliament’s report An EU legal framework to halt and reverse EU-driven global deforestation, adopted on 22 October. Such a regulation will only be effective if accompanied by action to tackle the drivers of forest loss and human rights violations on the ground. Getting the incentives right suggests that the EU negotiate partnership agreements with major producers of forest risk commodities.

Smallholder farmers across Côte d’Ivoire rely heavily on cocoa production, but rarely manage to generate a living income from cocoa alone. Balancing the well-being of farmers and the conservation and restoration of forests along with cocoa production is a pressing challenge.

GEF Council provides boost to nature protection amid pandemic – thegef
Five reasons to be optimistic about climate action – UNDP
Achievements in 2020 and prospects – 17th Board Meeting– CAFI
Upcoming calls for proposals - BIOPAMA
In almost equal measure, discussions and actions around racism in 2020 have been extremely painful, and extremely hopeful. The following scenarios came from a wider discussion around race and privilege that began in February at the Pathways 2020 Human Dimensions Conference held in Nairobi.

This first edition focusses on Indonesia and Vietnam and the articles were written in collaboration with our local partners. In many cases, they report that they are more able to contribute to policy discussions and that at least some authorities are paying closer attention.

The 3rd ATIBT Think Tank on the theme "What future for certified companies in the Congo Basin" took place on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2020, by videoconference. Since its creation in May 2018, the Think Ttank has been supported by the ATIBT marketing program.

Several countries and financial institutions made new climate finance-related pledges, including: the United Kingdom, which pledged to double its climate finance contribution to USD 15.5 billion over the next five years; and the European Investment Bank, which announced a goal of 50% of investments going toward the climate and environment sectors by 2025.

The virtual sessions began with bad news for global biodiversity. The launch of the fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook, a final report card on progress against the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets adopted in 2010 with a 2020 deadline, starkly announced that none of the targets will be met.

The European Commission has stated that, “climate action is at the heart of the recently introduced European Green Deal”, including “ambitiously cutting greenhouse gas emissions” and reaching zero emissions by 2050. As part of the plan, the Commission raises the prospect of increased reliance on bioenergy sources.

WRI Report Assesses Progress, Opportunities to Align Emissions Trajectories with 1.5°C – IISD
Experts look to the next frontier of community-led forest monitoring in Africa – Rainforestfoundationuk
Measuring the impact of the EU-MERCOSUR trade deal on land use, forests, and the people who depend on them. – FERN
Food Systems Dashboard Supports Diet and Nutrition Policy Efforts – IISD
Read: CBFP Facilitator, Honorable Dr Christian Ruck, makes successful entrance into Congo Basin’s diplomatic and political scene; CBFP Facilitator, the Honourable Dr Christian Ruck, in audiences with high-ranking political leaders in Cameroon; 16 October 2020 – Implementation of N’Djamena Declaration in West Bloc gets major boost following visit of CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Honourable Dr Christian Ruck…

The discussion focused on a proposed Declaration of the CBFP as a ‘type 2’ partnership,  which while is not in the position to impose decisions on states, does have an influence over discussions and negotiations at the international level which relate to the region – UNFCCC and CBD in particular.

This study provides critical inputs to frame future media campaign messages and, by demonstrating some consumers’ interest in legal timber, to strengthen the domestic legitimacy of policies such as the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade.

As any other foodstuff, insects should be regulated by the government to ensure product quality and consumer safety. The goal of the present paper was to assess the current legal status of edible insects in Africa. For that, corresponding authorities were contacted along with an extensive online search, relying mostly on the FAOLEX database.

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Job offers

AWF seeks to hire a Country Manager who will be responsible for providing overall leadership, strategic focus, management and accountability for AWF's programs in Cameroon. He/she will be expected to maintain strong lines of communication with several other senior management positions, particularly on program, policy, strategy, fundraising, impact and species protection programmes.

WWF is looking for a formative evaluation of the project that serves to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the work carried out so far including possible new directions and will lead to concrete recommendations for the design of the fourth phase of the project in order to guarantee its effectiveness. Proposals in French can be submitted until January 07th, 2021 before 13.00h Gabon time.

The overall objective of this consultancy is to obtain a better understanding of the financial flows in the cacao and community forestry (wood/NTFPs) sectors in Cameroon which will help WWF develop a strategy to influence these sectors. The deadline for the reception of bids is 21stJanuary 2021.

WWF is looking for a consultant to carry out a sector footprint study on Biodiversity in Cameroon. Applications should be sent to (in 2 separate files for the technical and financial offers) with the subject "STUDY OF THE SECTORAL BUILDING ON BIODIVERSITY IN CAMEROON - technical/financial offer". No later than January 7, 2021 at Midnight CAT.             

"For our DRC office, we are looking for a dynamic and committed Program Coordinator, Human Rights who will contribute to the growth of our program (financed by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation, BMZ) in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa" . Deadline for applications: January 15, 2021.

WWF-DRC is looking for for a dynamic and committed Program Coordinator, Human Rights who will contribute to the growth of their program (financed by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation, BMZ) in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa. Deadline for applications: 5th January 2021.

The first call for proposals for Small Technical Grants for Assessment (STGA) is now open until 29 January 2021. It is an open ended-call and proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis in order of their receipt.

It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news.
If you have any questions about any of issues CBFP is engaged on or would like to know more about any aspect of our work, please do forward your suggestions or do get in touch, we'd love to help:

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