Subject: New Product! Recovery Bits...

What if there was a very simple, whole food that could...

1. Remove heavy metals and chemicals from your body.

2. Is packed with vitamins and minerals, many that are often tough to find in other food sources (like Vitamin K2).

3. Boost the power of your immune system.

4. Improve athletic recovery via high antioxidant levels.

There IS...and that food is chlorella.

Chlorella is a form of algae. It's not a supplement, but actually a whole of the simplest organisms on the planet. The benefits you read about above are just a few of the things chlorella can do for you, especially when it comes to recovery from workouts and training.


The new chlorella product in our program is Recovery Bits...

And with our special offer, you can get get 1 large bag for 20% off, 2 large bags for 25% off (includes FREE shipping), in addition to your cash back.

  • 20% cash back for Gold members
  • 10% cash back for Free members


Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

P.S. Be sure to join our Facebook group!

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