Subject: ($5 full bottle trial) This rare mineral helps your liver get rid of the toxic "squatters" in your body...

...garbage like heavy metals, pesticides, and other environmental and household chemicals that can cause problems such as...

  • brain fog
  • fatigue
  • immune system issues
  • stubborn fat
  • hormonal issues
  • and a whole lot more...

Now, just right up front...this isn't some weird "detox tea" or "detox diet"... the mineral I'm talking about is actually research proven and doesn't try to fix a process that isn't broken... just makes your body's natural detox processes work BETTER.

And what I like most about it is you can literally go on PubMed and pull up studies done on it that show that it works (I'll link to those below).


Here's how to get rid of those toxic "squatters" and clear up the problems associated with them...

1. Your body already has a natural "detox" process in place...the liver and kidneys are the two primary organs that do it.

2. They do a great job of this but they can only filter out what actually GETS to them...via the bloodstream.

3. Heavy metals and other environmental toxins often get sequestered in fat cells...your body locks them away so they don't cause problems in other organs of the body. It's not a perfect process, though, and when they DO get into other organs, that's when they start causing problems...just like squatters in a house making a mess of everything.

4. It's not easy for your body to evict these heavy metal "squatters" so that the liver and kidneys can give them the final boot out of your body. They root themselves in pretty solidly.

5. The rare mineral that YANKS these toxic squatters out is called zeolite. Zeolite is negatively-charged and works like a magnet, trapping positively-charged toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and many more, and carries them to your liver and kidneys, which then filters them out of your body.


But not all zeolites are created equal...

The problem is, most zeolite products are not capable of working at the cellular level. To go beyond the gut and dig into cells for a deep detox, the zeolite must be nanosized. 

When the zeolite is nanosized and suspended in water molecule clusters, it can travel throughout the body to do it's can even get past the blood-brain barrier.

Imagine clearer thinking, ease in recalling tasks, improved mood and much more because your brain is now free of neurotoxic heavy metals. take out heavy metals and other toxins, the zeolite must also be cleansed and pre-filled with alkalizing minerals (these minerals get "swapped" for the heavy putting good renters into your house once you get the squatters out).

But why do zeolites need to be cleansed?

When mined, zeolite comes filled with environmental pollutants...because that’s what zeolites are good at in nature...absorbing toxins. 

However, if a zeolite is already filled with garbage, it can’t take any more of it from your body. That’s why most zeolites sold today don’t work, and why I haven’t recommended one before. 

Until now…


The most effective Zeolite on the market, backed by science...

Not only ago, a friend of mine who had just started working for the company that produces this form of "ready" zeolite, sent me an email telling me about this company.

He knows I do a lot with health and fitness so he knew I'd be interested in this stuff (he was right...I find it fascinating and I was already familiar with zeolites, too).

The company is called Touchstone Essentials.

Their cleansing process and nanosizing technology is hands-down the most advanced on the market, yielding the only zeolite that can effectively detoxify the entire body on a cellular level.

He sent me a couple of bottles to test out...

He also said the company has an offer where YOU can get an entire, full-sized bottle to try for just 5 bucks

(I'm not able to offer cash back on this offer but you do get FREE Shipping in the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and over 20 European Countries).

Now, just so you know up front, the 5 dollar offer is for when you sign up for the monthly subscription. However, don't be worried...there's no obligation to stay subscribed and you can cancel any time. And know that I have your back...I will personally go to bat for you if you run into any issues if you want to cancel. I promise you that.

Click here to try your first bottle of nano-sized Zeolite for just 5 bucks...


I think this stuff has massive potential for your health...

We live in a toxic world. I see people younger and younger getting cancer and other horrible diseases.

Children are exposed to ever-increasing levels of toxins in aging school buildings.

I see pets getting cancer more frequently...(they walk through the world with less protection than we do, i.e. no shoes).

I think this stuff can help...and yep, it IS safe for both children AND pets.


Here are links to some of the research I mentioned above...


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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