Subject: The best olive oil I've ever tried... up to 30% off
The best olive oil that I've ever had is from Greece...It's produced by Kasandrinos Olive Oil and, having talked with Tony, one of the family founders and CEO of the company, I know the type of "farm to table" quality they strive for. It's a point of pride to their entire family that their olive oil is organic and non-GMO (certified in both). You've probably seen news stories about how a lot of store-bought olive oils are...
NOT Kasandrino's. After testing and using Kasandrinos I was actually really shocked at the difference in taste. The stuff is DELICIOUS. If you've never had fresh olive oil from a high-quality source before, the difference is night and day. The flavor just lights up your taste buds. They've been pressing this stuff from olives from their family farm in Greece for generations and they ship it right to you directly. Right now, you can save 15- 30% off the olive oil in their online store (no coupon code needed) Most of the olive oil is 15% off...the 250 mL size is 30% off. Their Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement is 50% off.
Here's the bad news, though...and it's my fault...The 15-50% off sale ends TONIGHT at midnight. I should have gotten this over to you sooner so you could check it out sooner, and I apologize for that. If you're a fan of olive oil (or looking for a great gift idea for somebody who IS a fan of olive oil), definitely click over to their site and jump on this deal. They have a variety of sizes of glass bottles, cans, and even single-serving packets that you can bring with you wherever you go. They also have aged organic Balsamic Vinegar, spices and even the Vit D3/K2 supplement I mentioned above. This is definitely worth checking out. Click here to go get your AMAZING fresh olive oil now... -------------------------------- That's all for now! Nick Nilsson P.S. Want cash back on these deals, too? Sign up for the Fitness Buyers Group free here! P.P.S. You are receiving this email because you signed up for emails at If you no longer wish to receive deals and updates like this, you can instantly unsubscribe by clicking here. |