Subject: The WORST and the BEST protein supplements I've ever used... (35% off a good one!)

I've taken a TON of different protein supplements in my 30+ years of training (probably a literal ton, going by actual weight, too!).

I've run the full gamut of reactions to it, too...

...everything from getting violently ill (I won't go into details on that but I had a bad reaction to a vegan whey protein "analog" derived from concept and probably totally fine for most people but very not good for the point where I had to go to the ER)... finding supplements that tasted great but bloated me up like crazy for hours and hours (cheap casein/milk protein)...

...all the way to using stuff where I could see real differences in strength and muscle mass in a matter of days (in some very high quality, very expensive products I've tested... the "original recipe" MetRx that came in the two containers did this).

What I've discovered is that, for me, I prefer a product that digests well yet doesn't cost a ton of money, and gives me at least 80-90% of the benefits of the extremely high quality stuff.


One of the best companies that fits this bill is MyProtein.

I've tested a number of their products over the years and have always been happy with them...excellent quality and very affordable.

It's the kind of the stuff you can take long-term as one of your core supplements and never have to worry about quality.

They offer a lot of different flavors (I mean, Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn protein...that sounds AWESOME) and both whey concentrate and isolate products as well as slow-release casein (a high-quality version).

They've even got collagen, vegan protein options, creatine, amino acids, activewear and more.


I'm telling you about them because right now, they've got a 35% off sale going on everything in their ENTIRE site!

Just use the code "35now" at checkout and it'll get you that discount.

It's good stuff and it's worth having a look at, especially with that discount.

You won't find any long sales pages or super fancy marketing or pictures of giant bodybuilders on the site...just the products and the nutritional facts about them.

What you can be sure of is that products are high quality and you're getting exactly what you pay for.

Click here to check out what they have to offer and get your 35% discount now.


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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