Subject: Man In The Arena Easter Sale - 25% off

Just got this from my friend Chad Howse, creator of the Man in The Arena line of supplements for men.

Right now, he's running a fantastic Easter sale on subscriptions to his excellent line of supplements.

30% Cash Back Gold Member
15% Cash Back Free Member

Click here to shop now!


Our Easter Sale is BIG...

1. Lock in your subscription discount forever (25% on all subscriptions forever).

2. Cancel anytime.

3. Save even bigger on STACK subscriptions (30% for life)...

4. And choose the frequency of your subscription.

5. Just use the coupon code: SUNDAY25

6. Apply your rewards points to save even more!

Why you should subscribe now...

We've created a line of supplements to help you perform better mentally and physically...

...Using full doses of science-backed ingredients so these supplements actually do what they're supposed to do.

So you can have more energy, boost testosterone, libido, block estrogen, recover faster, burn fat faster, and perform better at work.

Man Greens even helps you lower stress levels...

...And over a long term, stress may be the worst thing for your health there is.

Man Brain helps you recall information better, prevent long term cognitive decline, and focus more intently for longer periods.

You're a driven guy, and ambitious guy.

We're all here trying to reach our potential.

Supplements will not get you to that potential, but the right ones can help.

You do the work, you have the discipline, you persist, our supplements simply help you do a little better than you would otherwise...

And over time that means an exponentially better life.

So stock up on your favorite supplements and stacks.

Bundle and save BIG while the sale lasts.

Be Legendary,
Chad Howse

P.S. Don't forget... Coupon code: SUNDAY25


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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