Subject: Get your free bottle of this powerful anti-inflammatory supplement...

Does it take you 10 minutes to get out of bed in the morning from pain and stiffness?...

...if so, you've got some serious inflammation (good can be fixed).

Joint inflammation, over time, can damage the tissues in and around your joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving, especially in the morning after a long time lying down.

In the short term, inflammation can help your body fight off injury or infection. It DOES have a purpose.

However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can break down your cartilage (the rubbery tissue that cushions your joints).

This can lead to arthritis, causing pain and swelling in your joints and that horrible dread of getting out of bed in the morning.

Here are some of the ways that inflammation can damage your joints:

  • Cartilage damage: Cartilage is a tough, but smooth tissue that covers the ends of your bones. It helps your joints move smoothly. Inflammation can damage cartilage, making it rough and uneven. This can cause pain and stiffness.

  • Bone damage: Over time, inflammation can also damage the bones in your joints. This can lead to bone spurs, which are small growths of bone that can cause pain and make it difficult to move your joints.

  • Ligament damage: Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that connect bones together. Inflammation can damage ligaments, making them loose or unstable. This can lead to joint pain and instability.


Clearly, this is NOT something you want to have going in your body in the long term.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) can be an effective way to fight inflammation...

...however, if you've taken them long-term, you know the relief often comes at the cost of side effects that are sometimes worse the original problem itself.

That's why the best long-term solution is food or supplement based.

Foods such as turmeric and pineapple actually have active ingredients that can help quench your inflammation and heal your joints.

The only problem is that the AMOUNT of those foods you have to eat to get a noticeable effect can be impractical.


A supplement-based approach to inflammation control gives you the most bang for your buck.

I've been testing out a new product created for the purpose of fighting inflammation and I like it a LOT.

It's very well-formulated...I've separately used every ingredient in this stuff and I know they're all effective.

Combined, they're going to be unstoppable :)

The main active ingredient is curcumin (which is itself the main active compound in turmeric that gives you the anti-inflammatory effect).

Second, you've got boswellia, which works through an additonal inflammation-blocking pathway from curcumin to help reduce inflammation and pain.

And that's only 2 of 6 primary ingredients in this stuff.

You can see the full list of ingredients here:'s an AMAZING deal for you to try this stuff out...

The company that makes this product is currently running a "free plus shipping" deal.

That means if you cover shipping ($12.95), they'll send you a "free" bottle of it to test out.

And this isn't some small sample size's a full, regular-size bottle of the product so you can take it for a real test drive and FEEL how it works.

So yeah, not totally free but totally worth it.

It gets even better, though...

When you click through to get your free bottle, you'll be offered a way to get TWO free bottles. You can still choose to stick with just one, problem there.

Now...I will tell you up front, when you go through the link for 2 bottles, it IS a bit confusing. It's listed as "Buy 1 get 2 free" at a price of $37.

This works out to about the same as covering shipping on 3 free bottles.

But what this means is you're getting 3 bottles of Golden Revive for less than HALF of the normal price of ONE.

The product itself is excellent and absolutely worth it even at full price.

Getting for this good of a deal is just awesome.

Click here to get started and grab your free bottle (or bottles!) now.


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

P.S. Want cash back on these deals, too? Sign up for the Fitness Buyers Group free here!

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