Subject: BowFlex Black Friday Deals have started...

Here's what available from BowFlex...

US Only - Nov 6th through Nov 25th:

  • $500 off + Free Shipping + Free Mat on the M-Total
  • $500 off + Free Shipping on C7 Bike, Velo 22, Tread 10, and X2SE
  • $400 off + Free Shipping on the Max Trainer M6
  • $300 off + Free Shipping on the C6 Bike, M9, and Velo 16
  • $200 off + Free Shipping on the Tread 22
  • $150 off + Free Shipping on the 2080 Barbell
  • $100 off + Free Shipping on the 1090 Dumbbells
  • $80 off + Free Shipping on the 552 Dumbbells
  • $50 off + Free Shipping on the DB Stand, 5.1S Bench, 4.1S Bench
  • $30 off + Free Shipping on the 840 Kettlebell

Click here to shop now!


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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