Subject: 25% off Smidge digestive enzymes

Got a cool promotion from Smidge here...

Buy 2 or more bottles of Digestive Enzymes or HCl + Enzymes for 25% off, until June 13th.

Click here to shop now!

I've tested and used their digestive enzymes and I really like them. They make everything in small batches and their products are very high quality.


Smidge® Digestive Enzymes (formerly GutZyme®): A great choice for the whole family or those new to enzymes to support comfortable digestion and nutrient absorption. With special enzymes to help with tough-to-digest foods like beans and cruciferous veggies. 

Smidge® HCl + Enzymes (GutZyme HCl®): Appropriate for those who have occasional acid reflux, gas or bloating and are seeking a gentle dose of HCl and pepsin with their digestive enzymes. Supports the breakdown of meat and animal protein.


To get these for 25% off is a killer deal.

Click here to shop now!


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group