Subject: 20% off Dragon Door ebooks...(I got a special discount for you)

It pays to have connections :)...

So a few days ago, I talked to the people at Dragon Door about getting you special discounts on some of their products.

Dragon Door has some really cool info and products. You might recognize the name for their past association with Pavel Tsatsouline and their part in popularizing kettlebell training in the US over the last 20+ years.

Well, they said "no problem" and hooked us up.

So right now, you can get 20% off all of their digital books (ebook) using coupon code FITPOWER.

Click here to see the full list of what they have.

You'll find classics like:

  • Convict Conditioning 1 and 2 (bodyweight conditioning and strength training)
  • Flexible Steel (flexibility training)
  • Hardstyle Abs
  • Enter the Kettlebell
  • and 40+ more!


That's not all...

You can also get 10% off their Isochain equipment, using coupon code UNCHAINED10.

Click here to learn more about the Isochain.

The Isochain is a unique piece of equipment for performing targeted isometric strength training.


If you're interested in highly-effective strength training info, you'll definitely want to check this stuff out (there are some real classics in the ebook section) and take advantage of the exclusive discounts!s


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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