Subject: 20% off CocoaVia for heart health...

I'm a big fan of chocolate...

And what I've come to learn is that that cocoa (which is a key component of chocolate, as I'm sure you probably know) actually has some VERY powerful health benefits, especially for your heart.

(the fat and sugar part of chocolate, not so much, but the cocoa, absolutely)

In fact, a recent German study showed these results from cocoa flavanols...



Study participants experienced a 21% improvement in arterial function after taking 450mg of cocoa flavanols daily for 30 days


Daily consumption of cocoa flavanols also helped support healthy blood pressure levels after 30 days


Participants also experienced healthy levels of both good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) compared to the control group.


I recently tested a cocoa product from CocoaVia...

And I will tell you right up front, the key benefits from cocoa flavanols are primarily going to be seen with long-term, consistent use. My blood pressure and circulation have always been good, so I haven't seen a tremendous difference in myself, being honest.

However, what I CAN tell you is that is the product is lab-verified to contain 450mg of cocoa flavanols per serving, which is large enough dose to give you the benefits seen in the above referenced study.

If your circulation is at all compromised, this stuff can help.

And if you'd like to PREVENT circulation-related issues from coming up in the future, it's smart to take preventative action now (action that can also improve your memory and health overall).

CocoaVia is available in capsule form as well as in powdered drink mix form, which is what I tested out.

It comes in small packets that you just mix with water or milk.

The taste is very mild...slightly bitter, but still good. What I actually like to do is mix it in a smaller amount of water so that I get a more concentrated flavor. With a full glass of water, it's a bit too watery.

I do think, based on the research I've reviewed on the benefits of cocoa, that long term of use of CocoaVia could really be good for your heart, brain and muscles.

If you'd like to learn more about CocoaVia and the benefits it can offer you, I'd definitely recommend it.

Take 20% off ALL Heart Health Products with code "HEART20" on the Cocoavia website.

(coupon valid today only...Feb 17th!)

Nick Nilsson
Fitness Buyers Group

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