Subject: Big Change Announcement

Hi Friend,

If you've been with me for a while – you’re probably wondering what happened to me! I’ve been very quiet and haven’t sent you many updates or newsletters recently.
But behind the scenes things have been hectic – and I have some great changes happening here – but more on that in a moment.
Things Have Shifted...
The last few years have been a real growth phase for me. I started my current website at a time when I had just recovered from a massive financial setback. It made sense to share what I know with others and I was really passionate about it.

But as I’ve moved forward, I’ve realised that there is something deeper at play. My situation was brought about by more than just a few bad decisions and a difficult global economic situation. And that reason was more than just mindset too 

You see, as much as I thought I’d been living life on my terms, I realised that I had still been trying to ‘fit in’ to what society as a whole deems to be the ‘right’ way to do things. And it was killing me.

I realised that I had been hiding the unique gifts I have – and that many, many others are doing that too! It leaves us feeling unappreciated, unfulfilled and that niggling thought that somehow people don’t quite get us. I had quite a few revelations – and I’ll be sharing that with you soon.

So in the name of integrity I knew I couldn’t continue with my website the way it is… it just didn’t really talk about the reason I (and many others) ended up in a place of struggle and lack.

This shift has been coming for a while, but a few months ago it really started to impact me, hence my feeling of not wanting to communicate until I knew what I was going to say….

So what's next?
So my website is moving to a new name – Free Spirit Unleashed – which more authentically describes what I am here to share with the world. 

The focus will be on reconnecting to your free spirit and finding what it is you came here to do by uncovering your hidden gifts, so you can celebrate life again and thrive.

The same content will still be available, but reorganised over the coming weeks – and there’ll be lots of new content as well.
When will it happen?
The name change will happen over the coming weekend (15th & 16th October in Australia – 14th & 15th October in the US). During that time the site could be offline for 24 - 48 hours.
I'd be sad to say goodbye, but...
If you feel that this change and the new content is not going to be of interest to you, I understand.  Then please feel free to unsubscribe at any time from receiving any further emails from me. 

I'd be really sorry to see you go, but if it's of no interest, then there's it's probably for the best. (If you are still receiving my current e-course – that will continue to be sent to you until you finish it).

However, if it looks like something you 'd love to hear more about... great! There's nothing to do except wait for my next update.

So look out for my next email when the change is complete, where I’ll tell you more about what I’ve got in store for Free Spirit Unleashed and more about what I discovered recently.

In the meantime, live each day to the full!

81 Roland Avenue, 2076, Wahroonga, Australia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.