Subject: Why Making Simple Changes To Your Betting = Long-term Profits + Tips the CH4 Races


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In this week's newsletter:

Why Making Realistic, Simple Changes To Your Betting = Long-term Profits 

Click here to read ....Trends, tips and betting advice for tomorrow's televised big race      


Dear reader

When things aren’t going as planned we all start to look at areas of our lives where changes can be made to improve our well being and way of life. Unfortunately, far too many people set themselves...unrealistic challenges which have little hope of succeeding.

Everything from giving up smoking, to getting a better paid job, is on most lists.

Extensive research into human behavioural patterns has proven that in order for an individual to change from negative set of behavioural patterns (often health damaging) to much more beneficial set of habits, requires a lot more effort than merely vocalizing the fact.

Acknowledgement is the first key step.  And doing it is, of course, the second key step.

But in order to make positive changes happen, you need to follow a clear plan. And then implement daily steps to turn that plan into a reality. Realistic, subtle daily changes are far more likely to succeed because they can be incorporated easily into your lifestyle. 

At this point you may be wondering what any of this has to do with betting. Well, at a subconscious level, it is really important to recognise that we need to adapt and evolve as individuals in an ever-changing world.

With so much information available about betting online it is becoming more difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. Basically, the world and his mother are claiming to be experts, and with so many sources serving up a plethora of information about the same subject, punters interested in finding a betting edge have to very careful.

At a subconscious level we all take on board opinions and information that are false, and this can have an impact on how we act.

In our opinion, the best way to source and compile information about any subject is to construct a portfolio of books and articles relating to each sub category of that subject -- in this case, betting on horses.

More importantly, make sure you do due diligence on the source of the info.

The core aim of the False-Favourites blog is to help YOU make informed decisions about betting on horses, using a realistic approach

Whatever your current level of know-how: from “Beginner” to “Advanced” there’s plenty of useful information on the blog to help you take it one step at a time. There’s no rush, you are now a lifetime member of the site!.

Over the coming months we will be adding plenty more tutorial’s and videos on various betting topics, covering subjects such as:

If you are a total beginner we recommend have a good look around the blog first – To give you an overview of what betting on horse racing is really all about. At least then you can make some informed decisions about whether or not it’s for you.

Remember just like learning any other skill you need to first build some solid foundations and that means gaining a better understanding of the basic fundamentals before considering tackling any thing more advanced.

It’s not really that hard at, all that’s required is some effort on your part, and remember…

Betting Exchanges have completely changed the way in which most punters bet.

The possibilities to profit are absolutely endless. I have spent about 5 years betting and trading on Betfair, and the experience has taught me an awful lot about how to profit from racing. So much so that I decided I would also like to help others benefit from my experience and eventually became an Official Betfair Accredited Trainer

Missed our email`s or want to catch up with whats happening in the betting niche Read our latest blog posts here


Do you have a successful betting system that works on horse racing?

Rather than sit there all day monitoring each race for betting opportunities you can use a bot to do it all for you whilst you get on with your life and do other things.

So, what are you waiting for?!

Download our exclusive 39 page guide "A PUNTERS GUIDE TO BETTING BOTS"  NOW!

You won`t find this guide anywhere else online, and its packed with FREE Trials and tons of...practical recommendation to help you win money using betting bots!


Have a great weekend

Jonathan Burgess  

Your editor



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False favourites newsletter is a free weekly email providing information designed to improve your betting. To read previous articles and Betting System reviews, plus comments from other readers - visit You'll also find Betfair tutorials and Profitable Betting Strategies to help you get the very best betting advice.