Subject: Grab This 400 Point Profit PDF Totally Free

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Grab This 400 Point Profit PDF Totally Free

I just had to get this out to you right away. I'm pretty sure James Fitzmaurice over at

Stand Out Stats has lost his mind...

He is giving away part of his trends package

completely FREE!

The best part is the information inside this comprehensive PDF is responsible for over

400 points profit.

==> Grab The 3 Course Trends PDF Here (Including Cheltenham) - JUST IN TIME FOR CHELTENHAM NEXT WEEK!!!

Confused ..??

Ok let me start from the beginning. I'm sure that you all already know James. He runs and owns the very successful review site that is

Betting System Truths.

However last year he started his BST portfolio which is a 3 pronged attack on horse racing.

Now how does this affect you ..??

Well greatly. You see this week James is going to be launching his second product in the portfolio.

This product is called Stand Out Stats.

As part of the upcoming launch he is "giving away" 3 course trends PDFs that total OVER 400 points profit.

The courses include;

*Cheltenham which has historically generated; 143.79 points profit.

*Newmarket which has historically generated; 169.19 points profit.

*Southwell which has historically generated; 99.04 points profit.

Yes he is actually "giving this away".

I have seen the full Stand Out Stats product and there is going to be a huge amount of interest in this.

Everyone is going to be talking about it.

However for now, you should head over to his site and grab the free "Platinum Trends PDF" while it is still available;

==> Grab The 3 Course Trends PDF Here (Including Cheltenham) 

This really does come with one of my highest  recommendations and the best part is, James is

giving it away.

Jonathan Burgess
your editor
false favourites/blog 

P.s That link again to grab the 400 points free platinum trends PDF

==> Grab The 3 Course Trends PDF Here (Including Cheltenham) 

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