Subject:Ā Friend, did this happen to you? šŸ 

Did our glitch affect you? You signed up on my site to watch the class How to Turn Your Current Home Into a Dream Home, and you were promised instant

šŸ  It seems we had a glitch!

Dear Friend,

You signed up on my site to watch the class How to Turn Your Current Home Into a Dream Home, and you were promised instant access.

However, there was a glitch on our system, and it seems that you may not have received the link to that class! I am so very sorry this has happened.

Please go here to watch the class. (And see below the image in this email for more complimentary stuff.)

And to make up for this mistake, please check out this page, where you will find several other free classes to take, as well as webinars and downloads. GO HERE FOR MORE GREAT CONTENT AT NO COST.

Many Blessings,


P.S.Ā Yes, IĀ do offerĀ online Feng Shui home consultations.

Apply to work with meĀ on theĀ Feng ShuiĀ of your home!

Feng Shui for Us, LLC

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