Your home is your report card.
A home that is out of control tells you that your life is out of control.
If you can’t even keep your home clean and organized, how are you going to do anything else?
And if you're a wife, you start telling yourself you're a bad wife. And if you're a mom, you look at your chaos of a home and think, "I'm a bad mom!"
A home that is not in top shape gives you bad feedback about yourself. And granted, much of that feedback may be false. You can, by all means, be a great mom even if your home is a mess – but you won't feel like it.
Say you’re a home schooling mom. It’s hard to feel you’re a good mom when the laundry has piled up so high you could use it to teach your kids about Mount Everest!
And I’m sure mold in the fridge could be used as a segue to talk about the inventor of penicillin, but is that really how you want to live?
I bet not!
Keeping a home tidy and organized is NOT an innate skill some people are born with and others are not. To keep a home in top shape you have to have skills and tools that anyone can learn and anyone can use.
One way to start is to not let procrastination get in the way of your and your family's wellbeing.
This Thursday I want to share a tool with you so that procrastination will never be an issue for you again. I want to share this tool with you for a symbolic price: $0.99. Learn more... |