In Feng Shui, money is associated to water, because water represents flow and money also flows.
But water is dangerous. If you have indoor plumbing, and I assume you do, there are pipes going through your walls, buried in your floors or going above your head.
If one of those pipes starts leaking, or worse, bursts, there’s a danger that you’ll have to deal with lots of damage and expenses, depending on how strong the escape of water is, and for how long it goes on.
Like water through your fingers, money has a way of going down and disappearing, unless you have specific strategies to save it and invest it.
Money is dangerous also in the sense that it can bring out the worst in people. So you want it, but you also fear it. It's not a good place to be in.
Connecting to the Divine Providence
The first thing is to make sure that money comes into your home in abundance, and works for your highest good and that of your family.
For that to happen you need to connect to the Divine Providence.
The Divine Providence is Heaven’s intervention in the Universe. It holds Creation together, including all the blessings that make your life possible.
The Universe is designed to provide you with everything you need, and more. If there’s not enough abundance coming into your home, it means you’re stopping it with ineffective Feng Shui.
This is not to say that there aren’t any external circumstances. There’s the economy, prices going up, you may be stuck in a job where you don’t make enough money or feel trapped doing work you hate in order to have enough money.
Heaven is Always Guiding You
Heaven is always guiding you to better circumstances, if you are open to listening and following guidance.
Heaven has a vested interested in keeping you happy, healthy and successful. Heaven is always trying to help you out, even when you forget to ask.
Feng Shui is one of the best ways to open up your home and your heart to Heaven’s guidance. First by creating the circumstances where it becomes easier for you to believe that a more abundant life is possible. And then by becoming more able to detect the gentle nudges of Heaven, that guide you to your highest good.
A Tricky Situation
As a Feng Shui Consultant it's a tricky situation, because every single client wants Feng Shui to help them make more money. In other words, I have yet to meet a client who doesn’t list making more money or "not having to worry about money" as one of the three top things they want Feng Shui to do for them.
It’s tricky, because sometimes what the client needs most is not something that can be achieved with money.
I want to invite you to take this class to understand the Feng Shui life area that rules your relationship with money. The class airs this Thursday, January 27th. The replay will be available within 48 hours.