Many people want to use Feng Shui as if it was magic.
“If I put this thing here I’ll find a partner, if I put this other thing there I’ll get more money.”
However, although Feng Shui many times feels like magic, it’s not magic.
Feng Shui works by activating chi (the life force) in your home, so that your home connects with your soul to help you thrive.
When you apply Feng Shui to your home, the energy goes to where it’s needed the most, and not necessarily to where you would like it to go first.
You'll get more money if you really need it
Say that you want to use Feng Shui to attract more money. But you worry a lot about it, even though you do have enough money for all your needs (and most of your desires).
Your soul sees the anxiousness about money as a greater issue than your desire to have more money.
The excessive worries are the real problem
If getting more money would mask the anxiousness (the real problem), then you’re not likely to get money until the tendency to worry in excess is addressed and resolved.
If you really were in desperate need for money, Feng Shui would work to help you get more money, so that your survival is guaranteed.
But if you just want more money, the anxiousness is seen by your soul as a priority. Fix the anxiousness, and you’ll be likely to make more money.
It’s that simple.
Worrying about money actually stops you from getting it
Would you like to stop worrying about money? There’s only one way to do that, and I’m going to teach you how to do that in this class:
Understanding Career and Money.