If you live in a home with no window treatments – such as curtains or blinds – you probably find that opportunities pass you by.
You may feel tired of working so hard toward your goals, only to find that the things you want out of life always stay just out of your reach.
You may also feel like it's not worth trying, because you'll only be disappointed one more time.
This happens because you haven't learned how to tune in to nature, and how to work with the natural rhythms to make life easier.
Window treatments give you power.
They allow you to control:
How much light or sunshine comes into the home.
What views to enjoy and when.
How much can be seen from the outside in.
A place where all windows have curtains or blinds – that are easy to open and close – gives you the feedback that you can take advantage of the energies of every season as you need to.
This is one of nine things your home should do for you.
To find out what the other eight things your home should do for you are, enroll in this free online course.
In the course you'll learn what the 9 things your home would be doing for you are — if you had good Feng Shui!
Sign up now and bookmark the date: December 27th, 2022.
3 lessons are already up for you to watch as you wait for the 27th!
There will be a replay. REGISTER HERE
(And if you already registered, invite your friends by clicking on the social links below.)