Subject: 🏠 this happens to you when there's too much wood

People often ask me what they can do to deal with an excess of a wood element, say, if they live in a wood cabin, or if the walls are covered in wood

Feng Shui for Us, LLC

🏠 This Happens to You When
There's Too Much Wood


People often ask me what they can do to deal with what [they believe is] an excess of the wood element, say, if they live in a wood cabin, or if the walls are covered in wood paneling. 

This may surprise you, but when you have too many wooden items in a room, you don't have an excess of the wood element. You have an excess of a different element. 

Read the article here to find out what element you have an excess of if there's too much wood, and how this excess affects people who spend a lot of time in these spaces.

If you have a friend that has a home with too much wood, share this email with them.

Many Blessings,


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P.P.S. Yes, I do offer online Feng Shui home consultations. To chat with Rishi (our Customer Success Manager) about getting a Feng Shui consultation of your home, book a free meeting here:

Feng Shui for Us, LLC

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