Subject: 🏠 do you remember Shaun Cassidy? He's a father now.

He's a dad now, and he recently shared this on social media. "We’re taking our son to college tomorrow, and I can’t tell you how proud we are and… no

Feng Shui for Us, LLC


Do you remember Shaun Cassidy, of The Hardy Boys in the 70's?

He's a dad now, and he recently shared this on social media:

"We’re taking our son to college tomorrow, and I can’t tell you how proud we are and… no, wait… it’s actually incredibly painful and might be something no parent is ever ready for and letting him go really, really sucks."

The comments from parents under his post were heart wrenching. One mom said, after sending her son off to spend a semester in Europe, “I kind of feel like I’m missing a limb.” Another parent said that, after they dropped off their kid at college, they cried for the whole 5-hour drive back home. 

My boys still live with us, yet I already feel a little bit of that empty nest, because they're so independent now, and so little interested in their parents, compared to a couple of years ago. So I've been thinking a lot about this, and I have created a Feng Shui plan for the empty nest.

I want to help you through this process of allowing your children to become themselves as adults as you go through the process of finding yourself again. 

Here's the thing:

There was a time when your job was to take care of them all the time. But if your kids are college-age now or getting there, now your job is to release them.

In this upcoming class I’m going to reveal to you how you can tap into your loving energy in a way that both benefits them and you. And you will do this by making key changes in your space. REGISTER HERE...

The class will happen Tuesday, September 19, 2023, and there will be a replay.

If you're already registered, invite a friend!

Many Blessings,


P.S. If you want to send us a message start a new email and send it to

P.P.S. Yes, I do offer online Feng Shui home consultations. To chat with Rishi (our Customer Success Manager) about getting a Feng Shui consultation of your home, book a free meeting here:

Feng Shui for Us, LLC

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