Subject: Upward Bound: Course Selection, College Completion, and Policies

College Course Selection, College Completing, and Policies
5 Tips for Choosing College Courses
Article by Suzanne Shaffer of iGrad
1.) Understand that a huge percentage of undergraduates change their majors at some point, so make your class selection diverse.

2.) Figure out what your peak periods of productivity are when choosing class times.

3.) Place a heavier emphasis on general degree requirements your first year.

4.) Do your course research online to gauge what professors are like in class.

5.) Take advantage of the “course shopping” period.

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College Completion

Completion rates vary by school. For example, the 4-year graduation rate for Eastern Illinois University is 33.6% while it's 46.4% at Illinois State University. Use this website to check out how your school compares.
Tips for Choosing College Courses
This website gives some great tips to keep in mind when choosing college courses. Some of the tips include checking out your options and create a schedule that works.
College Policies
Make sure you read your school's handbook and policies so that you know what the rules and regulations are. Some schools have rules about things such as final exams or financial aid that you could miss if you don't read.
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