Subject: Rob here..

Rob here..

November 29th, 2018 at 10:53 pm SAST

Hi Friend, Ever heard the name Chris Burns? Well you might if you haven't. His members have turned a TINY £10 bet into £202.62 today! Want to see how? Thanks Rob Anthony

Friend, Make £2500, starting Friday

November 20th, 2018 at 2:34 pm SAST

Hi Friend On Friday evening the £100 to £2500 challenge begins. That means you've got a few days left to join.... providing that the 50 membership spots don't fill up first! So you're interested? Well sit back and let me explain what you need ...

Friend, 6h until the doors close

November 7th, 2018 at 8:00 pm SAST

Friend, Jake Young is closing the doors to new members at Midnight… So you’re time is nearly up to grab a spot. He’s WON 200 of his 637 bets which gives him a SOLID 31.40% win rate. Starting wit ...