Subject: Singapore ONLY - Facebook Income Elevation Classroom

Hey Friend,

This email announcement is valid only
for the Singapore only.

Due to Facebook's advertising compliance
issue which keep changing recently and most
of the FB ads are being disapproved which
stop most of you from exposing your business
to the masses.

This means that you are always losing
out new businesses and new customers.

Do you want to learn how to counter these

If yes...

Facebook Income Elevation Classroom
is your solution.

Learn how you can get your FULL ACCESS Pass
to the LIVE Internet Workshop in Singapore.

Due to my good relationship with
the trainers, I have got only 5 seats
for FREE.

I going to pass it to you since you
are my loyal subscribers.

Go register before the 5 seats are
taken up.

Do not register if you are not
confirm going to the event.

Note: The LIVE workshop is held in Singapore
this coming Saturday.

Date:     13th of December (Saturday)
Time:     9am to 6pm

To register, I need your
1) Name
2) Email
3) Phone number

Go here for more information and register:

Once the seats are gone, I will take down
the registration page.

Good luck ;)

Talk soon,
Edmund Toh
