Subject: You'll Never Have Success If You Don't Stop This

On My Mind...
Slaying the monster...

Summer is rapidly coming to a close here on the eastern seaboard.   Which means we are more than halfway done with 2015. 

This makes me consider all I've accomplished so far and what I plan to complete before years end. 
Are you on track to meet your goals?

If you aren't, keep reading to find out what might be holding you back.

I've been working with several clients lately that all seem to be suffering from the same issue. They all seem to care a little too much about the little stuff.

Website colors. Fonts. Not enough people on the list to launch.  Not skinny enough to do video.

And you know what?

It's nonsense!  Check out this weeks blog post "Done is better than perfect: How to Slay the Perfection Monster" and get rid of that ugly thing once and for all.  Go read it.
P.S. A huge welcome to my new subscribers. I'm grateful to have you become a part of the Bold New Biz community. You'll love the simple to use mindset, marketing and success tips I share with you each week.

P.S.S. Are you ready to go big and do something big in your business before the year ends?  Get ahead and schedule a FREE Bold Moves Session so we can talk about what you need to do to meet your big 2015 goal. Go ahead set up a time for us to talk now so we can discuss how you can get clear about your next steps for the rest of 2015.
Get Out There Tip

I know I mentioned this before but it is so much fun! Get the bandwagon before it's too crowded to be heard.

Wondering what to scope about the first time? Just scope about it being your first scope. And get out there! 

Download the app on your smart phone and connect it to your Twitter account.

Let me know when you're all set up. I'll be the first to send you hearts (that's how we show love in Periscope land). Follow me @boldnewbiz and I'll follow back! Check out my first scope below!

What I'm Reading

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Are you ready to attract your IDEAL high paying clients? Are you ready to get paid for your skills, gifts and know how?

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