Subject: ✿Multi-Passionate Entrpreneurs Can Be Successful Too

On My Mind...
I have a confession to make...

I'm multi-passionate entrepreneur. 

Are you surprised?

I sure hope so, it took me years to stop appearing scattered because of the creative new ideas in my head.

You see, for those of us who are part of the multi-passionate tribe confusion can play front stage.

We have the most incredible thoughts and ideas and of course, we want to launch them all at once.

In this weeks blog post "Help for the multi-passionate entrepreneur" I share tips that will help you get focused and have success if you suffer from the multi-passionate bug  Go read it.
P.S. A huge welcome to my new subscribers. I'm grateful to have you become a part of the Bold New Biz community. You'll love the simple to use mindset, marketing and success tips I share with you each week.

P.S.S. Are you ready to go big and do something big in your business before the year ends?  Get ahead and schedule a FREE Bold Moves Session so we can talk about what you need to do to meet your big 2015 goal. Go ahead set up a time for us to talk now so we can discuss how you can get clear about your next steps for the rest of 2015.
Upcoming Training

I'm hosting another strategy and content packed training on September 2. Watch your email later this week for the details and registration information.

It's not too late to share your training requests, simply "hit reply" and tell me what your struggling with.
What I'm Reading

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