Subject: Fat Stories Matter. We Need Your Voice!

Your voice matters, and so does your story.

August is Fat Liberation Month. We celebrate and center fatness all year around at Fat Women of Color­™, but this is the month when we have the opportunity to amplify the history and meaning of fat liberation. If you've been following and participating in our Instagram feed, you will notice that we've been directing the conversation toward fat needs, rights, and fat unity.

For quite some time, Black and Brown people of size have been erased from the conversations about fatness and body liberation. Although we were at the inception of the body lib movement, we were pushed to the margins, and others drowned out our voices. This month, we are working hard to ensure your voice is heard! We're creating posts and visuals that center the Black and Brown people of size in our community.

Coming this week: 

We'll be asking for you to share your fat story. We want to know:

What does fat liberation mean to YOU! Here are some ways you can participate and help us spread the word:

  • Give us feedback in the Instagram and Facebook comments

  • Tag #fatwomenofcolor in your fat liberation posts this week and all month

  • Please reply to this email and let us know if you'd like to share your fat story about what fat liberation means to you. We'd love to feature you.

In the meantime, thank you for all the participation that you've given so far! We love all the fat unity we're seeing and want to keep the momentum going.

REMEMBER: Hit "reply" to this email and let us know if you want to share your "fat liberation" story. We'd love to hear from you and possibly feature you in our feed.

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