CBD is one of three main cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, the others are THC and CBN, there are more than 100 cannabinoids in the whole cannabis plant.
Copaiba (co-pie-EE-ba) oil, similar to the whole cannabis plant and contains many beneficial compounds that work synergistically. Copaiba balsam oil is an oil made from the sap of the Copaifera officinalis tree found in South America, the main active compound in Copaiba oil is Beta-caryophyllene, which is a sesquiterpene that is also found in several whole cannabis strains, cloves, hops, black pepper and rosemary.
Neither copaiba or CBD have intoxicating effects both can safely be used topically and ingested to help sooth pain, inflammation, anxiety, stomach, skin and sleep issues.
Both CBD and Copaiba Balsam oil reduce pain and inflammation through their interaction with the endocannabinoid system or ECS.