Subject: Fourth Family Conference Added for 2018!

Fourth Family Conference Added for 2018!

March 20th, 2018 at 3:00 am CDT

Fourth Family Conference Scheduled for 2018!Join us for fellowship around the Word of God. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Families, The 2018 Family Conference season is quickly approaching an ...

2018 Family Conferences - Big Sandy lodging opens Thursday

January 30th, 2018 at 8:30 am CDT

Save the dates for the 2018 Family Conferences! Join us for fellowship around the Word of God. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Friends, Registration is now open for the 2018 Family Conference ...

It's not too late!

January 11th, 2018 at 12:04 pm CDT

Men's Conference begins January 18, 2018Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Fathers, The Father and Son Men’s Conference, taking place one week from now, may be an incredibly life-changing weeken ...

Important Priorities!

January 4th, 2018 at 11:23 am CDT

Men's Conference begins January 18, 2018Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Fathers, Happy New Year! I trust you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and are off to a great start ...

Men's Conference Early Registration Deadline November 30

November 29th, 2017 at 5:16 pm CDT

Men's Conference Early Registration Deadline November 30Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Families, Most Christian fathers desire to be the best spiritual leaders they can be in their homes. One ...

Happy Thanksgiving from ATI!

November 21st, 2017 at 3:00 am CDT

Happy Thanksgiving from ATI!Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Happy Thanksgiving!Dear ATI Families, For some people, Thanksgiving is often synonymous with turkey, gravy, and all the trimmings. However ...

Is it Dusk or Dawn?

November 7th, 2017 at 3:00 am CDT

Passing the Torch Men's conference coming in JanuaryIs this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Fathers, There is little visual difference between dusk and dawn when looking at a photograph. The difference ...

Men's Conference coming in January!

October 6th, 2017 at 11:56 am CDT

Men's Conference in Big Sandy January 18-20Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Families, In Deuteronomy 6, God instructs parents to demonstrate His love to their children and teach His Word diligen ...

Early Registration Deadline for Green Lake Family Conference

August 24th, 2017 at 4:21 pm CDT

2017 Family Conference Green Lake, Wisconsin. Early Registration Deadline. Dear Families, Do you desire to encourage your family in their relationship with the Lord? Do you want to meet and be encouraged by likeminded families? Con ...

Encouragement, Edification, and Life-changing Messages

August 10th, 2017 at 3:25 pm CDT

2017 Family Conference Green Lake, Wisconsin. Dear Families, How would you like to have the opportunity to sow seeds in the lives of your family members that could make an impact for generations to come? Recently I talked with sev ...