Subject: Announcing Family Camp Theme and Speakers!

The buzz is on! We are thrilled with all the conversations and communications happening this summer. Incredibly, some of our campsite types are already completely booked! We are excited to see so many families connecting and looking forward to another memorable time together. 

ALERT Family Camp is an opportunity for families across the nation to meet like-minded folks, build warm friendships, enjoy exciting activities, receive spiritual encouragement, and be built up in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Camp Theme this year is "Christ has Overcome!" Looking at the news headlines and the circumstances we face, we easily feel discouraged and lose perspective in our weariness. Yet during another tumultuous time, as Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice drew near, He spoke hope to His followers, “I am not alone because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:32-33

In this truth, we are especially eager to encourage families to live with hope and peace. Despite each crisis surrounding us, Christ has and will continue to carry the victory!
We are excited about our lineup of speakers chosen to drive home the theme of the overcoming power we have in Christ Jesus.

Speakers include Maj. Jesse Boulden, Commanding Officer of the ALERT Academy, a ministry dedicated to forging men to influence their world for Christ; Eric Ludy, director of Ellerslie Discipleship Training, passionately pursuing a return to biblical Christianity rooted in the Word of God and focused upon Christ Jesus; Dr. Lew Sterrett, a certified counselor and expert horse-trainer with a passion for biblical leadership development; and Rick Green, a former Texas State Representative and radio host traveling the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage.
This past Family Camp was our largest year ever, and as you spread the word, you receive 50% off your registration

First, you’ll need to register online and click the check box during check out to apply for your unique S’more Host coupon code. This will be emailed to you within the next few business days. Pass the code to as many friends as you’d like, and voilà! This will allow your guests to register for Family Camp for free and trigger your own 50% registration discount when they do. Be sure to check out the “Sweet and the Sticky” details and call us with any additional questions you may have at 903-636-9201.
As we countdown the weeks until Family Camp, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

See y'all soon! 
International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States of America
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