Subject:Ā šŸŽFriend. Newcastle tips for today - 6 months Back & Lays (ONLY Ā£24.99)

My highly acclaimed laying system is now ONLY Ā£14.99 That's a discount of Ā£11!

Hi Friend

Firstly, I hope you and your families are safe and well?

At last, we have some good news!

The return of UK horse racing starts today with the first meeting at Newcastle.

Click here to join the False-Favourites tipping club and get six months of profitable back and lay tips for only Ā£24.99!

If you join today, I'll even give you a FREE copy of my highly acclaimed laying manual The Race-Specialist worth Ā£15.99 

We will be posting tips from today onward, but because I know peoples movements are restricted, and an easing of lock-down looks set to continue for the coming weeks; it seems like a good time catch up with investment reading.

That could be brushing up on your betting skills in preparation for racing's return, or just indulging in some pure escapism with my gripping crime fiction novel A Place of Reckoning.

Bearing this in mind, If you don't want our profitable tips, and you'd like to find your own lay bets I would like to offer you a chance to get... highly acclaimed betting manual False Favourites at a very discounted price of only Ā£14.99.

Here's the link...

Please feel free to drop me an email and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you? 

In the meantime, have a great weekend?

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes

Jon Burgess

84 millrise rd , stoke on trent, staffordshire st2 7dn, United Kingdom

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