Subject: 🎠Friend. 20/1 Winner this week & 1010pts profit in 6 yrs (Only 24 hrs left to join)

1010 points profit from backing horses. Join us now for 6 months for only £24.99 (normally £44) and get my highly acclaimed laying system the Race-Specialist (worth £15.99) absolutely FREE! 

Last call! The offer won't be available for another 6 months (just 24 hrs left to get it)

Hi Friend

Firstly, I hope you and your families are safe and well?

Just a quick one to share with you our 6 year profits from backing horses... Wow, were did that time go? Seems like only yesterday!

This week we had another 20/1 WINNER as well: 4.10 Southwell Sebastian Beach WON @20/1

Here's the summary:

Since 2014 we have made 1010 points profit from backing horses...

  • Seasons 2014  profit = +120.625
  • Seasons 2015 profit = +215.78
  • Seasons 2016 profit = +160.35
  • Seasons 2017 profit = +182.44
  • Seasons 2018 profit = +220.11
  • Seasons 2019 profit = +108.92
  • Season 2020 to follow, although the COVID 19 pandemic has meant there were 3 months without racing.

Last call! The offer won't be available for another 6 months (just 24 hrs left to get it)

Join the False-Favourites tipping club and get six months of profitable back and lay tips for only £24.99 (just £4.15 a month)

If you join today, I'll even give you a FREE copy of my highly acclaimed laying manual The Race-Specialist worth £15.99 

To join follow these steps

2. Fill out the simple forms

3. We will send you a login email with access to the members area, where you can pick up the tips each day, and download the Race Specialist.

Also, if you like compelling murder mysteries indulge in some pure escapism with my gripping crime fiction novel A Place of Reckoning.

Kindle version available here...

Paperback version available hear...

Please feel free to drop me an email and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you? 

In the meantime, have a great week?

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes


84 millrise rd , stoke on trent, staffordshire st2 7dn, United Kingdom

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