Subject: FaithWriters Writing Challenge New Topic

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For All FaithWriters Members!
If you want this new topic notice weekly, make sure to sign up
for it on the right-hand side of the page HERE, if you have
not already done so.
Calling All Christian Fiction 
Writers. We Would Love to See 
Your Entries. Use Your Imagination
Through Writing, Sharing The
Truth of Christ.
Scroll to the bottom for the new topic.
There will be nine topics per quarter now, with a one-week break 
(to catch your breath) between weeks 5 & 6.
Quarterly Christian Writing Challenge WINNERS!


The Great Door by Lynae Fisher
He Died For ME? by Lois Eaton
King Firework by Lynae Fisher

Christian Writers BEST OF THE BEST WINNERS FOR 2024!

1st Place The Strongest Word Man Ever Heard
Mariane Holbrook (Jesus Challenge)

2nd Place King Firework
Lynae Fisher (Protector Challenge)

3rd Place A Fresh Start
Laurie Kiel (New Patch/New Wine - Old Garment/Old Bottle Challenge)

Your Financial Support Makes All the Difference
Together as the Body of Christ, we are spreading the Good News in over 230 countries online and growing Christian writers who will write countless articles and books pointing people to Jesus. Your support is producing the fruit of new believers. Comments presented as received. Thank You!

1) I felt the holy spirit lead me to you and that God's message of love drew me here.

2) I want Jesus to be the number in my life.

3) I'm saved from sin and I've rededicated my life to HIM who owns me. I'm now free from lies, exam malpractice, etc. Pray for me to believe that indeed "It is finished "

4) I accepted Jesus as Lord and Need a Bible. (We sent Roger a Bible.)

5) I have accepted Jesus and praying to not continue to commit sin anymore. Matthew

6) Recently we had a Deputy Police Chief who is responsible for over 1,500 officers and staff from a major city accept Jesus as savior. He could be an enormous influence. Pray for J. Ramar.
Receive feedback on your challenge entry direct from the judges.
1) After you receive your results, request your Judges Rating Report HERE.
Due to the level of work involved with the Challenge Rating Reports, the maximum number of reports a member can obtain per quarter is now two.
2) In the areas you need help with you can review Jan's lessons HERE.
3) Take the judge's suggestions along with what you learn from Jan's lessons and implement them in your next entry.
Learn more about the reports HERE.
Encourage Fellow Writers - Commit to Comment 
On At Least One Challenge Entry a Week
Reading and commenting on a regular basis offers a double blessing. The author is encouraged and grows, and those who comment learn and improve their writing skills too.
I know we are all busy. But are we too busy to comment on one Challenge entry per week? Just think how encouraged we are when people comment on our entries. If every member who receives this weekly notification commented on at least one Challenge entry per week, there would be 500 or more comments on the entries. Will you please take a few minutes right now to help and encourage a fellow writer?
Just click on a link to read and comment.
Current Entries from the Challenge that Closed Today
Recent Entries 
There are nine topics per quarter, with a one-week break (to catch your breath) between weeks five & six. 

End of Quarter Challenge Break begins after Topic 9 -- No new topic until October 3, 2024 (please don’t submit entries)

We want to encourage more of our Christian fiction writers to submit an entry. Please remember, all entries must be newly written and a maximum of 750 words.

Contact us at FaithWriters if you have questions or ideas for the Challenge.

Last week's winners - find past results on the main page HERE.

Put Your Writing to Work for Jesus
Submit a daily devotional for the main site. It also posts on hundreds of sites worldwide and out by email to thousands. Your submission may even be posted on our main Facebook page. 

Read member books for FREE in exchange for a review: