Subject: Will you know success when you see it?

Too many times...

Reality just doesn't keep pace with our expectations.


Have you ever been on a 'blind date'?

And how did that go?

Was the date what you had expected?

Well, success is just like that.

And I'll explain why it's different from what you might be expecting.


By that I mean that success doesn't happen in an even an orderly way.

If you were trying to loose weight and you went to the gym everyday and 
watch what you eat, you would like to think that you would lose 1LB a day.

The truth of the matter is you may no lose anything especially in the 
first few days or possibly even the first week, right? I'm sure if 
you've ever tried you know this to be true.

Affiliate marketing works in the same exact way... 
especially in the beginning stages when you are trying to build momentum.

What's important is that you keep swinging to bat.


All successful affiliate marketers know that their income isn't 
divided evenly for each of the their campaigns. 

If your goal is to make $3,000 per month.. It would be a freak of nature 
if you made $100 each day for a month.. It's never going to happen like that.

What does happen is that some days you make $2, 
some days you make $20, some days you make nothing.. 
but there will be days that you make $300 in a single day!

This is a realistic expectation of how internet marketing works.

And of course, after building momentum and sharpening your skills 
you find ways to level out these ups and downs.. You begin to find ways 
to scale up your earnings and increase your daily averages.


The 2 things that will determine your success are:

#1. Use a method that is PROVEN to be effective – if your using an ineffective formula, you may experience some small level of sales, but to to build a reliable, successful online business the method you choose must be ONE THAT WORKS.

#2. You MUST keep swinging the bat – sometimes you'll hit for singles, sometimes doubles and sometimes you'll hit home runs.. (and there will be time you strike out).

Every successful affiliate marketer has gone through this and knows
 that you only fail when you give up.

You can use the same proven effective method that I use daily:
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