Subject: Why take the hard path?

Hey, Ray here.

Have you set some life changing resolutions and goals
for 2024?

Ones that - if you reach them - will build your best life?

That’s great, if you have.

But listen to these statistics…

Would you believe that nearly 1 in 4 people give up their resolutions - in just the first week?

And 43% quit by the end of January?

In fact, not even 1 in 10 stick to them over the long term.

If you’ve ever been in a packed gym at the start of January… then had it all to yourself at the end of January… you know what I mean.

Here’s my counterintuitive theory on why people fail to reach their goals…

They set themselves up to fail by making resolutions and setting goals 
that are too hard.

​You see, for everything you want to accomplish in life, there’s a hard way - and there’s an easy way.

But for some reason, people feel like they’re cheating if they take the easy path.

So they take the hard path instead - and give up.

What about you?

When it comes to building your dream life… are you stuck
on the hard path?

Yes, it’s much easier. And you should feel no guilt about that.

Who says you have to take the hard path?

        >>> Click here to learn how

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